Canadian Content Policy: Conditionally limited evaluation clause

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Item Information


The purpose of Policy Notification (PN) - 144 is to inform Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) Acquisitions Program (AP) contracting officers of an amendment to the Canadian Content Policy (CCP) evaluation clause for conditionally limited procurements.

Effective date

This PN-144 is effective immediately. The affected sections of the Supply Manual, Standard Acquisition Clauses and Conditions (SACC) Manual and the Standard Procurement Templates have been updated in support of this PN.


The CCP is a Cabinet-mandated policy. It encourages industrial development in Canada by limiting, in specific circumstances, competition for government procurement opportunities to suppliers of Canadian goods and services.

Overview of changes

Amendments to CCP evaluation clause for conditionally limited procurements are being made in order to ensure competition and best value. The SACC Manual Clause A3070T has been amended to:

  1. Clarify that there must be two Canadian Content bids from two different, unaffiliated bidders in order for competition to be conditionally limited;
  2. Allow the CCP validity determination to be made at any point in the evaluation process; and
  3. Clarify that if there ends up being fewer than two Canadian Content bids at any point, that the evaluation must be open to all bids.

Note that it is still recommended that contracting officers make the Canadian Content validation the first step in the evaluation process; however, contracting officers may conduct the validation of Canadian content certifications at any time in the evaluation process including doing so concurrently with other steps (see revised Supply Manual Section 3.130(e)).

Contracting officers should include the amended SACC Clause A3070T in all new solicitations where applicable, as well as in all active solicitations where it is possible to do so and still allow suppliers at least 15 days before bid closing after the amendment is posted. When amending active solicitations, contracting officers should ensure that the content of the solicitation documents, including all clauses incorporated by reference, are consistent with the amended SACC Clause A3070T.

Summary of revisions to the Supply Manual

The Supply Manual has been revised to reflect this PN.

Summary of revisions to the Standard Acquisition Clauses and Conditions (SACC) Manual

The SACC Manual has been revised to reflect this PN.

Summary of revisions to the Standard Procurement Templates

The Standard Procurement Templates have been revised on GCPedia.

Contact information

For assistance with the application of the Canadian Content Policy, Acquisitions Program contracting officers may contact the Trade Agreement Unit of the Strategic Policy Sector at

Questions related to the Standard Procurement Templates can be sent by email to the following address:

Affected Supply Manual sections