Policy and Guidelines Archive

Attention! We’ve Moved! The Supply Manual has moved to the CanadaBuys website. Check out the new landing page for the Supply Manual.

Attention! We’ve Moved! The SACC has been archived and moved to the CanadaBuys website. Check out the new landing page for the archived SACC manual

Information: Publiservice Disclaimer

The Publiservice icon The information is only accessible to federal government department and agency employees. that appears beside the link text means the information is only accessible to federal government department and agency employees.

Main Content

The following content is available in this section. This information is offered for reference, research or recordkeeping purposes.

Public Access

Suppliers and the public can request a copy of an archived version of the Supply Manual by using the form on the Procurement Policy Contacts page.

For current information about procurement policies and acquisition clauses and conditions, please consult the current version of the Supply Manual and active Standard Acquisitions Clauses and Conditions.