Updated Standard Instructions 2003ACB for use in CanadaBuys (SAP Ariba)

Attention! We’ve Moved! The Supply Manual has moved to the CanadaBuys website. Check out the new landing page for the Supply Manual.

Attention! We’ve Moved! The SACC has been archived and moved to the CanadaBuys website. Check out the new landing page for the archived SACC manual

Item Information


The purpose of CanadaBuys Notification (CBN) – 001 is to notify PSPC Buyers of updated standard instructions for use in CanadaBuys (SAP Ariba).

The updated Standard Instructions (SI) 2003ACB are provided to PSPC Buyers for use only in procurements in CanadaBuys (SAP Ariba).

The updated Standard Instructions (SI) 2003ACB replace in their entirety any previous version of the SI 2003ACB.

Effective date

CBN - 001 is effective immediately.

The Standard Instructions (SI) 2003ACB are available in the SACC Manual.


  • Standard Instructions (SI) 2003ACB are for the exclusive use in CanadaBuys (SAP Ariba).
  • Bids must be submitted through CanadaBuys (SAP Ariba).
  • SI 2003ACB should not be used for forms of bid submission and receipt other than through CanadaBuys (SAP Ariba).


In February 2022, the Standard Instructions (SI) 2003ACB (AchatsCanadaBuys) for competitive requirements in SAP Ariba, were made available for early access through the CanadaBuys Service Desk. PSPC Buyers had to contact the CanadaBuys Service Desk to request access to the SI 2003ACB.

CBN – 001 now provides updated SI 2003ACB for use by PSPC Buyers for procurements in CanadaBuys (SAP Ariba).

Requirements and responsibility

The updated SI 2003ACB have been published in the SACC Manual.

It is the responsibility of the PSPC Buyer to ensure the SI 2003ACB is only used in procurements in CanadaBuys (SAP Ariba).



  1. Buyers must only include the reference to SI 2003ACB for procurements in CanadaBuys (SAP Ariba).

    NOTE: All references including hyperlinks to the SACC Manual 2003 – Standard Instructions - Goods or Services - Competitive Requirements must be removed in the solicitation document, and replaced with a reference to the SI 2003ACB in the SACC Manual.

  2. Buyers must indicate that bids will only be accepted through CanadaBuys (SAP Ariba) in the solicitation documents.
  3. Note the following text for consideration, as applicable (this is not an exhaustive list of solicitation wording to reflect the use of SI 2003ACB).


    Section 2.2 Submission of Bids
    “Bids must only be submitted through CanadaBuys (SAP Ariba) by the date and time indicated in the bid solicitation. All bids submitted through other means will neither be accepted nor considered.”

    Section 2.4 Enquiries - Bid Solicitation
    “All enquiries must be submitted in writing to the Contracting Authority no later than __________ (insert number of days) calendar days before the bid closing date by using the Event Messages tab within CanadaBuys (SAP Ariba). Enquiries received after that time may not be answered.”

    Section 2.6 Improvement of Requirement During Solicitation Period
    “Should bidders consider that the specifications or Statement of Work contained in the bid solicitation could be improved technically or technologically, bidders are invited to make suggestions, in writing, through the Event Messages tab within CanadaBuys (SAP Ariba), to the Contracting Authority named in the bid solicitation. Bidders must clearly outline the suggested improvement as well as the reason for the suggestion.

    Suggestions that do not restrict the level of competition nor favour a particular bidder will be given consideration provided they are submitted to the Contracting Authority at least __________ days before the bid closing date. Canada will have the right to accept or reject any or all suggestions.”


    Section 3.1 Bid Preparation Instructions
    “Canada requests that the Bidder submits its bid in accordance with section 05 of the 2003ACB Standard Instructions.”

Revisions to the Supply Manual

There are no revisions to the Supply Manual.

Revisions to the Standard Acquisition Clauses and Conditions Manual (SACC)

The SACC Manual has been revised in support of this CBN. For more details, refer to the Affected SACC Manual sections listed below.

Revisions to the Standard Procurement Templates

There are no changes to the Standard Procurement Templates.

Contact information

For support on assembly of solicitation documents in CanadaBuys (SAP Ariba), PSPC Buyers are encouraged to contact the CanadaBuys Service Desk for assistance.

Enquiries related to CBN - 001 and CanadaBuys (SAP Ariba) can be sent by email to the CanadaBuys Service Desk at Email us | CanadaBuys.

Questions related to the SACC Manual can be sent by email to the following address: tpsgc.outilsdapprovisionnement-procurementtools.pwgsc@tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca.