
Attention! CanadaBuys is the new official source for Government of Canada tender and award notices. This means you can now search for and bid on tender opportunities posted on CanadaBuys.

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Showing items 171 through 180 of 5129 for SH.

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  • GCContacts for GSIN Codes MD Division - Ship Refits Division
  • GCContacts for GSIN Codes ML Division - Machinery & Logistics Support Division
  • GCPageSteps to follow for the Bid Submission to Bid Receiving Unit (BRU) Using Connect
    This publication is intended to provide interested bidders with general guidelines on the process for submitting bids to Public Services and Procurement Canada’s Bid Receiving Unit (BRU) in the region indicated in the Bid Solicitation Document through ...
  • GCGSIN Shredding Service, Mobile
    R117AA: Shredding Service, Mobile
    Procurement Division Code
  • GCPageAccount Managers for Government Buyers
    Procurement advice and support Within the Client Engagement Directorate (CED), dedicated account managers are assigned to each department and agency to provide procurement advice and solutions. Also, CED is the centralized point of contact for any PSPC ...
  • GCPageThe Applicable Rates for Profit Determination Table
    The following table includes the current rates to be applied in the Capital Employed (Section 5.2.1) factors of the Profit Principles for negotiated pricing. The rates to be used in the profit determination for contracts starting July 2023 and onwards ...
  • GCPageLatest Updates
    The Practitioner’s Guide for Procurement Pricing (“Pricing Guide”) is intended to remain evergreen by continuously seeking to learn and adapt to emerging practices and experiences through stakeholder consultations, independent studies, research, and ...
  • GCPagePricing Guide
    Practitioner’s Guide to Procurement Pricing The Pricing Guide is intended to be used as a tool for those involved in Government of Canada contracting to develop effective pricing. The objectives of the Pricing Guide are to: Provide a better understanding ...
  • GCPageNational Procurement Strategy to Address Wrecked, Abandoned or Hazardous Vessels
    Information: Publiservice Disclaimer The Publiservice icon that appears beside the link text means the information is only accessible to federal government department and agency employees. In July 2019, the Wrecked, Abandoned or Hazardous Vessels Act came ...
  • GCPageTransition to electronic procurement
    Federal procurement is moving online. During this transition, you may be able to bid on some tender opportunities through CanadaBuys. Some opportunities will continue to require bid submission through other methods such as a bid receiving unit or through ...

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