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Showing items 51 through 60 of 246 for 91.

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  • GCSupply Manual sectionElevator maintenance services
    This section of the Supply Manual has been removed. For reference purpose only, section 9.10.20 is available in the Supply Manual Archive, Version 2016-2. ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionForeign Military Sales
    The Foreign Military Sales (FMS) program is a mutually beneficial government-to-government method for the procurement of United States (U.S.) defence articles and services. Sole sourcing through the FMS program may be considered as a method of procurement ...
  • GCPolicy notificationDebriefings and Regret Letters
    Introduction The purpose of Policy Notification (PN)-91 is to update the instructions to contracting officers on the process to notify unsuccessful bidders/offerors/suppliers and on providing them with debriefings, and on disclosure of information. ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionUse of SELECT for Requirements Subject to Comprehensive Land Claims Agreements (CLCAs)
    CLCA s are law. The CLCA obligations are legally binding because they are contained in agreements signed by Canada and backed by legislations. If a requirement is subject to CLCA s, the contracting officer must either: Not use SELECT and proceed with the ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionGeographic Factors and Low Dollar Value
    This section has been removed as per ARCHIVED- Policy Notification 91R1- Debriefings. For reference purposes, section 3.60.5 is available in the Supply Manual Archive, Version 2013-3. ...
  • GCPolicy notificationDebriefings
    Purpose The purpose of Policy Notification 91R1 (PN-91R1) is to provide updated guidance on the debriefing process. Effective date PN-91R1 and the related changes to the Supply Manual, SACC Manual and Standard Procurement Templates are effective ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionAnnex: Memorandum of Understanding Between Public Works and Government Services Canada and CORCAN
    The Memorandum of Understanding between Public Works and Government Services Canada and CORCAN (as a supplier) expired; therefore this section has been deleted from the Supply Manual. General information about the process has been updated and is provided ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemLicense to Intellectual Property Rights in Foreground Information
    Subject to subsection 2, if the Contractor wishes to make use of the Foreground Information for purposes of its commercial exploitation or further development, the Contractor may make a written request for a license to the client department or agency for ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemProgress Reports
    The Contractor must submit_____ (insert "monthly" or "bi-monthly" or "quarterly") reports, in electronic format, on the progress of the Work, to both the______ (insert "Technical" or "Project") Authority and the Contracting Authority. The progress report ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemContract Plan and Report Form
    The Contractor must use the Contract Plan and Report Form, PWGSC-TPSGC 9143 (or an equivalent form acceptable to the Contracting Authority) to report the progress of the Work and the costs to date against the original work plan. An updated copy of the ...

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