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  • GCSupply Manual sectionCo-Operative Logistics (COLOG) and Blanket Order cases with the United States Department of Defense
    This section provides details of the Canada/United States (U.S.) of America Co-Operative Logistics (COLOG) Supply Support Arrangement (CLSSA) and describes specific responsibilities of Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) in relation to ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionProcessing of documents
    This section has been removed as per Policy Notification 143: Update to Foreign Military Sales (FMS) processes. For reference purposes, section 9.15.35 is available in the Supply Manual Archive, Version 2021-1. ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionRelease of information
    This section has been removed as per Policy Notification 143: Update to Foreign Military Sales (FMS) processes. For reference purposes, section 9.15.30 is available in the Supply Manual Archive, Version 2021-1. ...
  • GCPageTerms and Conditions
    Table of Contents Privacy Notice Your Privacy and the Internet Communicating with the Government of Canada Third-Party Social Media Improving your Experience on Government of Canada Websites Protecting the Security of Government of Canada Websites ...
  • GCPolicy notificationEntry into force of the Canada-United Kingdom Trade Continuity Agreement
    Purpose The purpose of Policy Notification (PN)-148 is to inform Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) Acquisitions Program (AP) of the entry into force of the Canada-United Kingdom Trade Continuity Agreement and its effect on government ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionAnnex: A guide to preparing and administering task authorization for Public Works and Government Services Canada clients
    1.0 Purpose The purpose of the Guide to Preparing and Administering Task Authorizations is to provide procedural guidance to Public Works and Government Services Canada's (PWGSC 's) clients when contracts for services containing task authorizations are ...
  • GCGSIN Liquid Propellants and Fuels, Petroleum Base
    9130: Liquid Propellants and Fuels, Petroleum Base
    Procurement Division Code
    Not applicable
  • GCGSIN Oils and Greases: Cutting, Lubricating, and Hydraulic
    9150: Oils and Greases: Cutting, Lubricating, and Hydraulic
    Procurement Division Code
    Not applicable
  • GCGSIN Fuels, Lubricants, Oils and Waxes
    9100: Fuels, Lubricants, Oils and Waxes
    Procurement Division Code
    Not applicable
  • GCGSIN Fuels, Solid
    9110: Fuels, Solid
    Procurement Division Code
    Not applicable

Procurement data carries an Open Government Licence - Canada that governs its use. Please refer to the section about Commercial Reproduction in the Terms and Conditions for more information.