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Showing items 151 through 160 of 259 for 56.

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  • GCSupply Manual sectionAnnex: Notification of Procurement to Modern Treaty (Comprehensive Land Claims Agreements) Claimant Groups
    (See 9.35.35 Notification of Procurement) British Columbia Maa-nulth First Nations Final Agreement Maa-Nulth First Nations 5091 Tsumas-as Drive Port Alberni, British Columbia V9Y 8X9, Canada Phone: 1-250-724-1802 Fax: 1-250-724-1852 Email: info@maanulth ...
  • GCContent pageSupply Manual Synopsis Archive
    This section contains previous Supply Manual synopses. The synopses are summaries of the changes to each version of the Supply Manual that took effect on their release date. Many of the changes were made through Policy Notifications. Each synopsis is ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemQuality assurance authority (Department of National Defence): Canadian-based contractor
    All work is subject to Government Quality Assurance performed at the Contractor's or subcontractor's facility, and at the installation site, by the Director of Quality Assurance, or its designated Quality Assurance Representative (QAR). Director of ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionOverview of contract award and issuance of standing offers and supply arrangements
    This chapter describes the process of contract award to a successful bidder, as well as the issuing of the authorization to use a standing offer (SO) or a supply arrangement (SA) received from a successful offeror or supplier. It also provides general ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionSupply Arrangement procedures
    Before establishing a supply arrangement (SA), the contracting officer will prepare and issue an RFSA, which will allow for a suitable pool of suppliers who meet the stated evaluation criteria. Industrial security requirements (that is, personnel, ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemBasis of Selection- Highest Combined Rating of Technical Merit and Price
    To be declared responsive, a bid must: comply with all the requirements of the bid solicitation; and meet all mandatory criteria; and Instruction to contracting officers: choose one of the following options: Option 1 obtain the required minimum of____ ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemBasis of Selection- Highest Combined Rating of Technical Merit and Price
    To be declared responsive, a bid must: comply with all the requirements of the bid solicitation; and meet all mandatory criteria; and Instruction to contracting officers: choose one of the following options: Option 1 obtain the required minimum of____ ...
  • GCPageProcurement Assistance Canada Regional Offices
    Note: The Office of Small and Medium Enterprises has changed its name to Procurement Assistance Canada. For general information on Procurement Assistance Canada, on how to do business with the government, or to register as a supplier, please contact: ...
  • GCPagePWGSC Regional Offices: Atlantic Region
    If your business is located in Atlantic Canada, you will probably deal with the divisional offices of the Acquisitions and Compensation Services Directorate, Atlantic Region, of Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC). The Directorate buys ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemNunavut Directive: Highest combined rating of Inuit Benefits Plan commitment, technical merit, and price – Limited to Inuit Firm Registry
    To be declared responsive, a bid must: comply with all the requirements of the bid solicitation; meet all mandatory criteria, including being registered on the Inuit Firm Registry (IFR); (if applicable, choose one of the options below) Option 1 obtain the ...

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