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Showing items 31 through 40 of 78 for B4.
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GCSACC Manual itemMarking and Preparation of Paper Pack- Commercial Standard Bulk Pack: Stock Number (Product Code); Item Description; Unit of Issue; Quantity; Batch Number or Contract Number; Name and address of Consignee; Name and address of the Contractor. In addition, marking and preparation for ... -
GCSACC Manual itemRequirement- Bid 1 The requirement is detailed under the "Line Item Detail". Clause 2 The requirement is detailed under Article_____ of the resulting contract clauses. (Contracting officer to insert the article number which references B4008C.) Use the following ... -
GCSACC Manual itemStatement of Work- Bid Work to be performed is detailed under Article______ of the resulting contract clauses. (Contracting officer to insert the article number which references B4007C.) Use the following clause when the resulting contract part of the bid solicitation ... -
GCSACC Manual itemStatement of Work- Contract 1 The Contractor must perform the Work in accordance with the Statement of Work at Annex "____ ". OR Clause 2 The Contractor must perform the Work in accordance with the Statement of Work at Annex "____ " and the Contractor's technical bid entitled ... -
GCSACC Manual itemStandard Procurement Clause Identification of Contents Subsection: A. Instructions To Bidders and Contractors A0000 Incorporation by Reference A0001-0999 Consideration of Bids/Evaluation Criteria A1000-1999 Authorities A2000-2999 Use of Non-Permanent Residents A3000-3999 Certifications A7000 ... -
GCSACC Manual itemTechnical Publications- Manuals must submit as part of their bid: a recommended list of publications for approval by the Technical Authority; a price for any or all publications based on: options 1 to 3 below for the bilingual publications and options 1 or 2 below for the ... -
GCSACC Manual itemRecommended Spare Parts List Contractor must, within____ days after contract award, provide to the Procurement Authority a Recommended Spare Parts List (RSPL) prepared in accordance with the current issue of Canadian Forces Specification D-01-100-214/SF-000. The RSPL must contain ... -
GCSACC Manual itemInterim Spares List- Contract Contractor must, within______ days after contract award, provide to the Procurement Authority an Interim Spares List (ISL) prepared in accordance with the current issue of Canadian Forces Specification D-01-100-214/SF000. The ISL must identify those ... -
GCSACC Manual itemControlled Goods Program the Contract requires production of or access to controlled goods that are subject to the Defence Production Act R.S. 1985, c. D-1, the Contractor and any subcontractor are advised that, within Canada, only persons who are registered, exempt or ... -
GCSACC Manual itemRecommended Spare Parts List must quote the cost of the Recommended Spare Parts List (RPSL) and of the related documentation required in their bid. The list must indicate the approximate number of line items. Use the following clause in bid solicitations for the Department of ...
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