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Showing items 41 through 50 of 78 for B4.
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GCSACC Manual itemInitial Provisioning Conference must quote the cost of an Initial Provisioning Conference (IPC) in their bid. Use the following clause in bid solicitations for the Department of National Defence when an Initial Provisioning Conference is required. Use this clause in conjunction ... -
GCSACC Manual itemProvisioning Parts Breakdown must quote the cost of the Provisioning Parts Breakdown (PPB) and of the related documentation required in their bid. Use the following clause in bid solicitations for the Department of National Defence when a Provisioning Parts Breakdown is ... -
GCSACC Manual itemProvisioning Parts Breakdown Contractor must,______ days after the design of a deliverable is accepted by the Technical Authority, provide to the Procurement Authority a Provisioning Parts Breakdown (PPB) prepared in accordance with the current issue of Canadian Forces ... -
GCSACC Manual itemInterim Spares List must quote the cost of an Interim Spares List (ISL) in their bid, and the list must indicate the approximate number of line items. Use the following clause in bid solicitations for the Department of National Defence when an Interim Spares List is ... -
GCSACC Manual itemInterim Spares List Contractor must, within______ days after contract award, provide to the Procurement Authority an Interim Spares List (ISL) prepared in accordance with the current issue of Canadian Forces Specification D-01-100-214/SF000. The ISL must identify those ... -
GCSACC Manual itemLong Lead Time Item List Contractor must, within______ days after contract award, provide to the Procurement Authority a Long Lead Time Item List (LLTIL) prepared in accordance with the current issue of Canadian Forces Specification D-01-100-214/SF-000. Any items with a ... -
GCSACC Manual itemLong Lead Time Item List must quote the cost of a Long Lead Time Item List (LLTIL) in their bid. The list must indicate the approximate number of line items. Use the following clause in bid solicitations for the Department of National Defence when a Long Lead Time Item ... -
GCSACC Manual itemRequirement requirement is as follows: the docking, maintenance and alterations of the Department of__________ (insert the department's name) vessel_________ (insert the name and vessel designator) in accordance with the Requirement at Annex_____ (insert ... -
GCSACC Manual itemRequirement 1 The requirement is detailed under the "Line Item Detail". OR Clause 2 The requirement is detailed under Article_____ of the resulting contract clauses. (Contracting officer to insert the article number which references B4008C.) Use the following ... -
GCSACC Manual itemRequirement 1 The Contractor must provide the items detailed under the "Requirement" at Annex "_____ ". OR Clause 2 The Contractor must provide the items detailed under the "Line Item Detail". OR Clause 3 The Contractor must provide_______ (fill in appropriate ...
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