
Attention! CanadaBuys is the new official source for Government of Canada tender and award notices. This means you can now search for and bid on tender opportunities posted on CanadaBuys.

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New! The Supplier Contract History Letter has been redirected to a new location on CanadaBuys’ website.

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Showing items 1 through 10 of 186.

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  • GCPagePWGSC Regional Offices: Western Region
    If your company is in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Nunavut, or the Northwest Territories, you will likely deal with the Western Region office of Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC), whose headquarters is in Edmonton, Alberta. It is ...
  • GCContent pageThe SACC Manual is on CanadaBuys
    The link or bookmark to the Standard Acquisition Clauses and Conditions (SACC) Manual you are looking for is no longer available on, as it has been archived and moved to CanadaBuys. Go to the archived SACC Manual on CanadaBuys. Please ...
  • GCPageSupplier contract history letter is redirected to CanadaBuys
    The applications and services continue to be migrated to the CanadaBuys website to support Public Services and Procurement Canada’s suite of procurement services. The link or bookmark for the Supplier Contract History Letter has been ...
  • GCPageSteps to follow for the Bid Submission to Bid Receiving Unit (BRU) Using Connect
    This publication is intended to provide interested bidders with general guidelines on the process for submitting bids to Public Services and Procurement Canada’s Bid Receiving Unit (BRU) in the region indicated in the Bid Solicitation Document through ...
  • GCPageAccount Managers for Government Buyers
    Procurement advice and support Within the Client Engagement Directorate (CED), dedicated account managers are assigned to each department and agency to provide procurement advice and solutions. Also, CED is the centralized point of contact for any PSPC ...
  • GCPageRegister to Provide Services
    Table of Contents How do I register? Where do I go to register? What is the Indigenous Business Directory? How do I register? Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) operates the following online database systems: the Supplier Registration ...
  • GCPageThe Applicable Rates for Profit Determination Table
    The following table includes the current rates to be applied in the Capital Employed (Section 5.2.1) factors of the Profit Principles for negotiated pricing. The rates to be used in the profit determination for contracts starting July 2023 and onwards ...
  • GCContent pageThe Supply Manual is on CanadaBuys
    The link or bookmark to the Supply Manual you are looking for is no longer available on and has been moved to CanadaBuys. Go to the [sm_cb_text] on CanadaBuys. Contact the CanadaBuys Service Desk if you need any help. ...
  • GCPageSeminars and Events
    Procurement Assistance Canada offers free seminars to businesses interested in learning about the procurement process and how to sell goods and services to the Government of Canada. Attending an event can help you: Understand the federal procurement ...
  • GCPageEvent calendar has moved
    Procurement-related events have a new home Procurement Assistance Canada events have moved to Visit the new event calendar to find seminars, workshops and business events about the procurement process and how to sell goods and services to the ...

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