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Showing items 1 through 10 of 127 for 515.

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  • GCStanding Offers/Supply Arrangements CREATIVE FIRE LP (E60ZT-18TSPS/515/ZT)
    TSPS SA for Task-based professional services - R019HB, G001A, G009G and G103D
    Supplier Operating Name
    Creative Fire LP
    Supplier Legal Name
    Creative Fire LP
    GSIN description
    R019BF: Human Resource Services, Business Consulting/Change Management; Project Management Services
    Agreement number
    End User
    Public Works and Government Services Canada
    Region of delivery
  • GCContacts for GSIN Codes SRI Division - Supplier Registration Information
  • GCContacts for GSIN Codes FG Division - Construction Service Division
  • GCTable of contentsSupply Manual
    The Supply Manual- Version 2023-2, effective date 2023-06-08, contains policies and procedures, as well as references to acts and directives, for the procurement of goods, services and construction. It is intended primarily for the use of Public Works and ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionEstablishing the cost base
    The first step in building a negotiated contract price is the establishment of a cost base. In cost-based pricing, the price of the contract is based on the acceptability of costs incurred, cost estimates, or a combination thereof with a profit margin ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionOverview of contract award and issuance of standing offers and supply arrangements
    This chapter describes the process of contract award to a successful bidder, as well as the issuing of the authorization to use a standing offer (SO) or a supply arrangement (SA) received from a successful offeror or supplier. It also provides general ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionContract security requirements
    For every proposed procurement, the client departments must identify the security requirements by completing a Security Requirement Check List (SRCL) or else certify in writing that there are no security requirements (date of no security requirement must ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionContract security
    Contracting officers must ensure that any contract security requirement is addressed in the approval documents and that the Contract Security Program (CSP) has been consulted, as appropriate. For more information on contract security, see 4.30.10 Security ...
  • GCGSIN Not defined
    5150: Not defined
    Procurement Division Code
    Not applicable
  • GCGSIN Foundation Work
    5151: Foundation Work
    Procurement Division Code
    Not applicable

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