PAD Record

FG Division - Construction Service Division

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Contacts for Goods and Services Identification Number (GSIN) Codes

Contacts for GSIN Codes

Procurement Division Code
Division Name and Contact Page
Construction Service Division

GSIN codes under this procurement division

Code Title Code status
5112B Demolition Work Active
5113B Rock Blasting Services Active
5114C Excavating and Earthmoving Work Active
5116A Scaffolding Work Active
5122A Construction of Multi-Dwelling Buildings Active
5123B Construction of Warehouses and Industrial Buildings Active
5124B Construction of Commercial Buildings Active
5128B Construction of Health Buildings Active
5129B Construction of Other Buildings Active
5131C Highways, Roads, Railways, Airfield Runways Active
5133B Irrigation and Flood Control Active
5133C Waterways, Harbours, Dams and Other Water Works Active
5133D Sewers/ Drainage Active
5134A Power Distribution and Transmission Lines Active
5134B Pipeline Construction Active
5138A Dredging Active
5138B Dredging Services - Land Based Active
5138C Dredging Services - Floating Plant Active
5139B Engineering Works, Not Elsewhere Specified Active
5139C General Heavy Construction Active
5139D General Marine Construction Work Active
5141A Prefabricated Constructions, Supply and Erection Active
5151A Foundation Work Active
5151B Pile Driving Active
5152B Water Well Drilling Active
5153A Roofing, Siding and Sheet Metal Installation Services Active
5153B Roofing and Waterproofing Active
5154A Concrete Work Active
5154C Paving - Parking Areas Active
5155B Steel Bending and Erection Active
5155C Structural Steel Work Active
5155D Welding for Construction Active
5156A Masonry, Stonework Active
5156B Masonry Work Active
5159A Rock, Stone Crushing Services Active
5159B Other Special Trade Construction Work Active
5159C Chimney Repair Services Active
5159E Smokestack Services Active
5161A Heating (except electric heating) and Air Conditioning Active
5161C Air Distribution Systems - Installation and Repair Active
5162A Water Plumbing and Drain Laying Work Active
5162B Sprinkler Systems, Installation and Repair Active
5162C Plumbing Contractor Services Active
5162D Sewers and Drains Active
5163A Gas Fitting Construction Work Active
5163B Building Gas System (Medical/Industrial) Contractors Active
5164A Electrical Installations and Major Repairs Active
5164C Building Fire Protection Systems Active
5165A Insulation Work Active
5166A Fence Construction Active
5166B Fencing and Railing Work Active
5169C Elevator Installation Active
5169D Other Installation Work Active
5169E Doors and Windows Installation and Repair Services Active
5169G Refrigeration Systems - Installation and Repair Active
5169J Chillers - Installation and Repair Active
5169K Digital Control Systems - Installation and Repair Active
5169M Fire Suppression/Extinguishing Systems - Dry Chemical Active
5169P Mechanical Contractor Services, Not Elsewhere Specified Active
5171B Glazing and Window Glass Installation Active
5173B Painting Work Active
5173C Traffic Line Marking Active
5174A Floor and Wall Tiling Work Active
5175A Other Floor Laying and Wall Papering Work Active
5175B Carpentry and Flooring Active
5176B Wood and Metal Joinery and Carpentry Active
5176C Metal Fabricators (Iron and Steel) Active
5176D Ironwork Contractors Active
5179I Other Building Completion and Finishing Active
5181A Construction Equipment Rental, with Operator Active
C119B Design Build Services - Real Property Active
E108A Asbestos Removal Services Active
E108C Hazardous Chemicals Removal Active
E109A Leaking Underground Storage Tanks Active
H300E Construction Inspection Services Active
H900A Other Construction Quality Control, Testing, Inspect. and Tech. Services Active
S003A Water Supply Active
S003E Water Treatment Services Active
S099A Sanitary Services Active
5131BB Paving Contractor Services (except mud jacking) Active
5131BG Oil Road Spreading Services Active
5131BI Asphalt and Joint Sealing Services Active
5152AA Water Well Services Active
5153AB Roofing, Asphalt and Shingle Services Active
5153AE Building Sheet Metal Services Active
5153AF Eavestroughing Services Active
5153AG Industrial Waterproofing Membrane Systems (Roofing) Active
5154AB Concrete Cutting and Coring Services Active
5161AC Heating Contractor Services (except electrical heating) Active
5161AE Air Conditioning Contractor Services Active
5161AF Ventilating Services Contractors Active
5161AJ Boilers, Repair and Cleaning Services Active
5161AK Pipe Insulations, Contractors Active
5161AN Boilers - Installation and Repair Active
5164AB Electrical Contractor Services, Class A Licence Active
5164CA Building Lighting - Installation and Repair Active
5164CB Power Generation System - Installation and Repair Active
5164CC High Voltage Distribution System (above 600-Volt) - Installation and Repair Active
5164CE Fire Alarm & Detection Systems - Installation and Repair Active
5164CF Uninterruptible Power Supply System - Installation and Repair Active
5164CG Standby Power Generator Systems - Installation and Repair Active
5164CH Building Intrusion Detection System - Installation and Repair Active
5164CJ Security Control Systems - Installation and Repair Active
5164CK Building Intercommunication System - Installation and Repair Active
5164CN Building Electrical Controls - Installation and Repair Active
5164CP Building Electronic Controls - Installation and Repair Active
5164CQ Building Environmental Control Systems Servicing Active
5165AB Building Insulation Contractor Services Active
5169DA Building/Installation Special Trade Services, Not Elsewhere Specified Active
5169EA Doors Metal Overhead, Installation and Repair Active
5169EB Doors, Shielded, Maintenance and Repairs Active
5169ED Metal Doors and Frames, Installation and Repair Active
5169EF Door and Window Hardware, Installation and Replacement Active
5169FC Carpet Laying/Installation Active
5169FD Window Blinds - Installation and Repair Active
5173BA Painting Services - Interior Active
5173BB Painting Services - Exterior Active
5175AA Flooring Contractors Active
5175AB Floor Sanding and Refinishing Services Active
5175AC Epoxy Application Resurface Floors Service Active
5175AD Tile Contractors, Vinyl and Linoleum Active
5176AB Carpentry Services Active
5177BA Interior Fit-Up/Renovations Active
5179CB Sandblasting Services Active
H300AD Inspection, Sewage Pipe Active
R201DF Services of Individuals - Mechanical and Electronic Contractors Active