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Showing items 1491 through 1500 of 1641 for 11.

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  • GCPolicy notificationIP Terms in SACC Release of May 25, 2001 (Revision of)
    Due to experience gained since the intellectual property (IP) materials in the May 25, 2001, SACC release were finalized, the following terms should be used. The revisions to K3025D, K3320D and K3410D simply replace those in the SACC release. Remarks are ...
  • GCPolicy notificationPrivatization of Canada Communication Group- Acquisition of Printing Services
    1. Printing and related services which were previously obtained from the Canada Communication Group, may now be purchased by clients from Canada Communication Group Inc.- Goupe Communication Canada Inc. (CCG Inc.-GCC Inc.) up to the limits set out in the ...
  • GCPolicy notificationShipbuilding, Repair, Refit and Modernization Policy
    On December 19, 1996, Minister Diane Marleau, with Mr. André Lafond, President of the Shipbuilding Association of Canada, announced amendments to the PWGSC policy on Ship Repair, Refit and Modernization which will promote greater competition for federal ...
  • GCPolicy notificationJust in Time Approval Process (JITAP) Standardized Format
    This update is to be read in conjunction with the original Policy Notification 37. Since its introduction on September 11, 1998, the JITAP has proven itself as an effective and timely instrument for dealing with urgent amendment requests. There is now a ...
  • GCPolicy notificationContract Entry and Amendment Authorities (Revised)
    Background This policy notification provides updated guidance for implementing the recently approved SOS Delegation Approval Limits. In December 2001, Supply Operations Service Branch received approval to implement a new delegation of approval authorities ...
  • GCPolicy notificationRevised Contract Entry and Amendment Authorities
    This policy notification update refers to previous policy notifications on the Procurement Information Form (PN-32 and PN-32U) and Revised Contract Entry and Amendment Authorities (PN-35). Question 1: Should the figure indicated in the "Aggregate ...
  • GCPolicy notificationRevised Contract Entry and Amendment Authorities
    On July 2, the Minister approved a new Departmental Delegation of Authority framework. The new delegation reflects significant changes in contract and contract amendment authorities which will be effective July 17, 1998. This Policy Notification details ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionMemorandum of Understanding with Client Department
    A vital aspect in government contracting is the role played by PWGSC and its relationship with client departments at all stages in the life cycle management of goods and services in a MCP. Details of the PWGSC-client relationship will normally be covered ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionProgress Payments
    In the case of a progress payment, SACC Manual general conditions 2010A, 2029, 2030, 2035 and 2040 provide that ownership of the materials or work-in-process will be transferred to Canada upon making such payment. When a progress payment is to be used; ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemFormer Public Servant Certification
    Contracts with former public servants (FPS) in receipt of a pension or of a lump sum payment must bear the closest public scrutiny, and reflect fairness in the spending of public funds. In order to comply with Treasury Board policies and directives on ...

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