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Showing items 1461 through 1470 of 1641 for 11.

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  • GCPolicy notificationAmendment to the Ontario Labour Legislation
    1. A new section, 13.1 of the Act, applies to employers who, on or after October 31, 1995, begin to provide building services (in the province of Ontario) such as cleaning, catering or security at the premises, replacing another employer who was providing ...
  • GCPolicy notificationProcurement Information Form
    This Policy Notification (PN) Update provides: 1. A Quick Reference Guide to determine when a Procurement Information Form (PIF) is required, attached as Annex A; 2. Details of changes that have been introduced to the PIF and related procedures, as ...
  • GCPolicy notificationMisdirected Bids
    1. Effective immediately, the Standard Instructions and Conditions DSS-MAS 9403-5 and 9403-6 of the Standard Acquisition Clauses and Conditions Manual have been updated to provide clearer instructions to bidders emphasising that it is the bidder's ...
  • GCPolicy notificationClient Review of Elements of a Bid Solicitation
    Introduction This Policy Notification (PN)-82 provides instructions and guidance on obtaining appropriate client review of elements of a bid solicitation. PN-82 is issued further to the e-mail sent by the Executive Director of Acquisitions Operations to ...
  • GCPolicy notificationDestruction of Sensitive Information
    After a recent situation in the Pacific Region, the Corporate Security Division (CSD) and Industrial Security Division (ISD) have developed interim procedures and clauses to be used by procurement officers in contracting for the destruction of sensitive ...
  • GCPolicy notificationAdvance Contract Award Notices (ACANs)
    In accordance with Treasury Board Policy (Reference Chapter 10 of the Treasury Board Contracting Policy and TBS Contracting Policy Notice 1999-3 available on the Internet*), ACANs are considered as a competitive procurement method. Therefore, all ...
  • GCPolicy notificationProcurement Information Form
    This policy notification update refers to previous policy notifications on the Procurement Information Form (PN-32 and PN-32U) and Revised Contract Entry and Amendment Authorities (PN-35). Question 1: Should the figure indicated in the "Aggregate ...
  • GCPolicy notificationContract Approval and Signing Authority Limits- Revised
    Introduction The purpose of Policy Notification (PN) 87 is to revise the common service acquisition authorities, associated conditions and related procedures in the Supply Manual. On April 17, 2009, the Minister approved a new departmental Delegation of ...
  • GCPolicy notificationDepartment's Accountability
    Purpose The purpose of this policy notification (PN) 86 is to advise of changes being made to the Supply Manual (Chapter 1, Chapter 5 and Section 7D). These changes remove wording that could result in a misunderstanding about Public Works and Government ...
  • GCPolicy notificationSecurity in Contracting and Changes to the 9200 Requisition Form
    Introduction The purpose of Policy Notification (PN) 85 is to update contracting officers on requirements related to security in contracting and the PWGSC-TPSGC 9200 requisition form, and to incorporate new procedures into the Supply Manual. Policy This ...

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