Communication, Photographic, Mapping, Printing and Publication Services

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GSIN Description
Communication, Photographic, Mapping, Printing and Publication Services
GSIN Category
GSIN Group Description
Communications, Photographic, Mapping, Printing and Publication Services
GSIN Code Status
Not applicable

GSIN direct descendents

Code Titlesort descending
T003 Advertising Services
T012 Aerial Photographic Services
T005 Art and Graphic Services
T018 Audio and Visual Services
T006 Cartography Services
T007 Charting Services
T002 Communication Services (including Exhibit Services)
T000 Communication Studies
T009 Film or Video Tape Production Services
T008 Film Processing Services
T013 General Photographic Services - Still
T019 Land Surveys and Cadastral Services - Other Than Construction
T001 Market Research and Public Opinion Services (formerly Telephone and Field Interview Services including Focus Testing, Syndicated and Attitude Surveys)
T010 Microfiche Services
T099 Other Communication, Photographic, Mapping, Printing and Publication Services
T011 Photogrammetry Services
T014 Print and Binding Services
T004 Public Relations Services (including Writing Services, Event Planning and Management, Media Relations, Radio and Television Analysis and Press Services)
T015 Reproduction Services
T016 Topography Services

Contact for this GSIN Code

There is no available contact for this GSIN code.

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Related Award Notice

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