Print and Binding Services

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GSIN Description
Print and Binding Services
GSIN Category
GSIN Group Description
Communications, Photographic, Mapping, Printing and Publication Services
GSIN Class Description
Communication, Photographic, Mapping, Printing and Publication Services
GSIN Code Status
Not applicable

GSIN direct descendents

Code Title
T0142 Departmental Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc. (Printing)
T014A Publications
T014B Periodicals
T014D Security Printing, Multi-Item/Constant/Sourcing
T014L Stationery, Multi-Item/Constant/Sourcing
T014M Books-Stationery, Multi-Item/Constant/Sourcing
T014N Information Processing, Multi-Item/Constant/Sourcing
T014P Micrographic Services (Including Microfilming)
T014R Graphic Arts, Multi-Item/Constant/Sourcing
T014T Paper, Multi-Item/Constant/Sourcing
T014U Addressing, Distribution and Mailing Lists Management
T014V Miscellaneous, Multi-Item/Constant/Sourcing
T0142A Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc. (Printing)
T0142B Taxation Forms, Printed, Continuous and Snapsets
T0142C Heatset-Revenue Canada Taxation
T0149A Bookbinding, All Areas
T0149B Bookbinding, Handwork
T0149C Cheques, Paper, Government of Canada
T0149D Embossing - Plate Printing (All Areas)
T0149E Engraving, All Areas
T0149F Flight Progress Strips
T0149G Handwork - Collating
T0149H Identification Printing (cards, laminated products) - Non-secure
T0149J Inserting - Direct Mail
T0149L Printing Security
T0149M Self-Mailers
T0149N Templates, Grid Charts
T0149R Silk Screen Presses
T0149U Stamps Hobby Kits
T0149V Printing on Corrugated Plastic Sheet
T0149W Printing on Coroplast
T0149X Printing Promotional
T0149Y Printed Displays - Corrugated - Silk Screen Etc.
T0149Z Printing on Sheet Board
T014A1 Publications, Books
T014A2 Publications, Brochures/Pamphlets
T014A3 Publications, Catalogues
T014A4 Publications, Manuals
T014A5 Publications Case Bound
T014A6 Publications Perfect Bound
T014A7 Publications Saddle Stitched
T014A8 Publications Side Wired
T014A9 Publications Mechanical
T014AC Printing, Web
T014AD Printing Letterpress
T014AH Printing, Offset, Small, up to 19 X 26 - Informational, Process Colour - 1
T014AJ Printing, Offset, Small, up to 19 X 26 - Informational, Process Colour - 1A
T014AK Printing, Offset, Small, up to 19 X 26 - Informational, Process Colour - 2
T014AL Printing Offset, Small, up to 19 X 26 - Library, Process Colour - 2
T014AN Printing, Offset, Small, up to 19 X 26 - Prestige, Process Colour - 1
T014AP Printing Offset, Small, up to 19 X 26 - Prestige, Process Colour - 2
T014AQ Printing, Offset, Small, up to 19 X 26 - Prestige, Process Colour - 3
T014AR Printing, Offset, Small, up to 19 X 26 - Prestige, Process Colour - 4
T014AX Publications, Multi-Item/Constant/Sourcing
T014B1 Periodical, Magazines
T014B2 Periodical, Newsletters
T014B3 Periodicals, Tabloids
T014B4 Periodical, Bulletins
T014B5 Periodical, Directories
T014B6 Periodical, Other
T014B7 Periodicals Case Bound
T014B8 Periodicals Perfect Bound
T014B9 Periodicals Saddle Stitched
T014BX Periodical, Multi-Item/Constant/Sourcing
T014C1 Foldovers
T014C2 Maps - Printing
T014C3 Charts
T014C4 Cheque Inserts
T014C5 Foldovers, Others
T014C6 Foldovers Panels
T014CX Foldovers, Multi-Item/Constant/Sourcing
T014D1 Security Printing, Paper Documents (including bonds)
T014D2 Security Printing, Passports
T014D3 Security Printing, Spirit / Tobacco Labels
T014D4 Security Printing, Cheques
T014D5 Security Printing, Special Forms
T014D6 Security Printing, VISAS
T014D7 Security Printing, Citizenship Certificates
T014D8 Security Printing, Other
T014D9 Security Printing Foldovers
T014E1 Posters, Promotional Material
T014E2 Calendars, Promotional Material
T014E3 Cubes, Promotional Material
T014E4 Exposition Kits, Promotional Material
T014E5 Promotional Items (Printed Only)
T014E6 Buttons, Promotional
T014E7 Displays Promotional Material
T014E8 Binders Promotional Material
T014EX Promotional Material, Multi-Item/Constant/Sourcing
T014F1 File Folders - Printed
T014F2 Folders, File, Colour Coded
T014F3 Folders, Kit
T014F4 Folders Kit With Contents
T014FX Folders, Multi-Item/Constant/Sourcing
T014G1 Decals, Printed
T014G2 Tags
T014G3 Labels, Printed
T014G4 Markers
T014G5 Identification Printing
T014GR Decals, Labels, Tickets - Regional
T014GX Identification Printing, Multi-Item/Constant/Sourcing
T014H1 Forms, General and Standard
T014H2 Forms, Flat, Calling Cards
T014H3 Forms, Flat, Invitation Cards
T014H4 Forms, Flat, Other
T014H5 Flat Printing
T014H6 Forms Flat Telephone Pads Etc.
T014H7 Forms Flat Business
T014H8 Forms Flat Complimentary Cards
T014H9 Forms Flat Mastheads
T014HA Forms, Flat, Remote Area -A-
T014HB Forms, Flat, Remote Area -B-
T014HC Forms, Flat, Remote Area -C-
T014HD Forms, Flat, Remote Area -D-
T014HE Forms, Flat, Remote Area -E-
T014HX Forms, Flat, Multi-Item/Constant/Sourcing
T014I1 House Holders Booklets
T014I2 House Holders Flyers
T014JA Forms, Sets, Snapsets - National
T014JB Forms, Sets, Printed Teletypewriter
T014JC Forms, Sets, Snapsets - Remote Areas
T014JJ Hot Spot Carbon Printing System
T014JK Multipart Forms
T014JR Forms, Sets, Snapsets - Regional
T014JX Forms, Sets, Multi-Item/Constant/Sourcing
T014KA Forms, Continuous
T014KE Forms, Continuous for IBM 3800 H.S. Printer
T014KR Forms, Continuous - Regional
T014KX Forms, Continuous, Multi-Item/Constant/Sourcing
T014L1 File Guide Cards
T014L2 Index Cards
T014L3 Certificates, Hot Foil Seal
T014L4 Overprinting of Certificates
T014L5 Dividers - Printed
T014M0 Books-Stationery, Other
T014M1 Books-Stationery, Memorandum
T014M2 Books-Stationery, Appointment
T014M3 Books-Stationery, Record
T014M4 Books-Stationery, Engineers
T014M5 Books-Stationery, Receipt
T014M6 Books-Stationery, Exercise
T014M7 Books-Stationery, Alpha Index
T014M8 Books-Stationery, Notebooks (Judge/Steno/Recorder)
T014M9 Books-Stationery, Log
T014N1 Graphic Design and Production
T014N3 Camera-Ready Art
T014P1 Micrographics, Fiche
T014P2 Micrographics, Roll Film
T014P3 Micrographics, Aperture Cards
T014P4 Micrographics, Micro Jackets
T014P5 Micrographics, Cartridge/Cassette
T014P6 Micrographics, Combination of Two or More of the Above
T014Q1 Electronic Printing Departmental Reports
T014Q2 Electronic Printing Microfiches
T014Q3 Electronic Printing Employee Benefits
T014Q4 Electronic Printing Direct Mail
T014Q5 Electronic Printing Cheques
T014Q6 Electronic Printing Facilities Management
T014Q7 Electronic Printing Ad Hoc Reports
T014Q8 Electronic Printing on Demand
T014Q9 Database/Variable Imaging
T014QA Electronic (Laser) Printing
T014QB Electronic Publishing
T014QR Electronic (Laser) Printing - Regional
T014QX Electronic (Laser) Printing, Multi-Item/Constant/Sourcing
T014RB Forms Design
T014SA Envelopes - Remote Areas
T014SR Printing of Envelopes
T014SX Envelopes, Multi-Item/Constant/Sourcing
T014T1 Paper, Stationery Grade
T014T2 Paper, Publication Grade
T014T3 Paper, Bristol
T014T4 Paper, Board
T014T5 Paper, Other
T014U1 Mailing and Distribution Services - National Distribution Guide (NDG) Codes
T014V1 Alternate Format Printing (includes Braille, Large Print and Tactile Graphics)
T014V2 Signs
T014V3 Wallets
T014V4 Bookbinding
T014V5 Over/Crash Printing
T014V6 Hobby Kits
T014V7 Overhead Projecturals and 35 Millimetre Slides
T014V9 Screen Printing
T014X1 Cartographic Printing - 40" Maps (EMR)
T014X2 Cartographic Printing - 63" Maps (EMR)
T014X3 Cartographic Printing - 40" Maps (Fisheries)
T014X4 Cartographic Printing - 63" Maps (Fisheries)
T014X5 Cartographic Printing - 40" Maps (Geology)
T014X6 Cartographic Printing - 63" Maps (Geology)
T014X7 Cartographic Printing - 40" Maps (Agriculture)
T014X8 Cartographic Printing - 63" Maps (Agriculture)
T014X9 Cartographic Printing - 40" Maps (Others)
T0142AA Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc., (Printing) up to 10,000 Dollars - Sensitive
T0142AB Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc., (Printing) up to 10,000 Dollars - Non-Sensitive
T0142AC Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc. (Printing) 10,000 to 25,000 Dollars - Sensitive
T0142AD Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc. (Printing) 10,000 to 25,000 Dollars - Non-Sensitive
T0142AE Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc. (Printing) 25,000 to 50,000 Dollars - Sensitive
T0142AF Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc. (Printing) 25,000 to 50,000 Dollars - Non-Sensitive
T0142AG Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc. (Printing) Over 50,000 Dollars - Sensitive
T0142AH Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc. (Printing) over 50,000 Dollars - Non-Sensitive
T0142AJ Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc. (Printing) WEB Presses With Back-Up
T0142BA Taxation Forms, Printed, Continuous and Snapsets, Non-Sensitive
T0142BB Taxation Forms, Printed, Continuous and Snapsets, Sensitive
T0149AA Bookbinding - Ottawa
T0149AB Bookbinding - Maritimes
T0149AC Bookbinding - Quebec
T0149AD Bookbinding - Ontario
T0149AE Bookbinding - Manitoba
T0149AF Bookbinding - Saskatchewan
T0149AG Bookbinding - Alberta
T0149AH Bookbinding - British Columbia
T0149AJ Bookbinding, Class A
T0149AK Bookbinding, Class B
T0149AL Bookbinding, Class C
T0149CA Cheques, Imprest Account, Government of Canada
T0149DA Embossing/Engraving
T0149EA Engraving - Ottawa
T0149EH Engraving - Saskatchewan
T0149FA Flight Progress (Rolls)
T0149PB Services, Reproduction - White Printing
T0149QA Perfector Plate Sizes 17 X 24 to 43 X 60, 1 Colour
T0149QB Perfector Plate Sizes 17 X 22 to 43 X 60, 2 Colours
T0149QC Perfector (Regional) 1 Colour
T0149QD Perfector (Regional) 2 Colours
T0149SA Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 10 X 15 to 17 X 21, 1 Colour
T0149SC Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 10 X 15 to 19 X 25, 2 Colours
T0149SD Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 10 X 15 to 19 X 25, 4 Colours
T0149SE Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 17 X 22 to 18 X 25, 1 Colour
T0149SF Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 19 X 25 to 28 X 40, 1 Colour
T0149SG Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 26 X 35 to 30 X 45, 1, 2 and 4 Colours
T0149SH Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 19 X 25 to 28 X 40, 2 Colours
T0149SJ Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 19 X 25 to 28 X 40, 4 Colours
T0149SK Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 28 X 41 to 43 X 60, 1 Colour
T0149SL Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 28 X 41 to 43 X 60, 2 Colours
T0149SM Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 28 X 41 to 43 X 60, 4 Colours
T0149SP Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 43 X 63 to 54 X 77, 1 Colour
T0149SQ Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 43 X 61 to 54 X 77, 2 Colours
T0149SR Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 19 X 25 to 28 X 40, 4 Colours
T0149SS Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 22 X 35 to 23 X 38, 1 Colour
T0149ST Straight Offset, (Regional) Press Sizes 10 X 15 to 17 X 21, 1 Colour
T0149SU Straight Offset, (Regional) Press Sizes 10 X 15 to 19 X 25, 2 Colours
T0149SV Straight Offset, (Regional) Press Sizes 10 X 15 to 19 X 25, 4 Colours
T0149SW Straight Offset, (Regional) Press Sizes 11 X 17 to 17 X 21, 1 Colour
T0149SX Straight Offset, (Regional) Press Sizes 17 X 22 to 18 X 25, 1 Colour
T0149SY Straight Offset, (Regional) Press Sizes 18 X 23 to 36 X 48, 1 Colour
T0149SZ Straight Offset, (Regional) Press Sizes 19 X 25 to 28 X 40, 4 Colours
T0149TA WEB Offset Plate Sizes22 X 23 to 23 X 39, 1 Colour - National
T0149TB WEB Offset Plate Sizes 22 X 33 to 23 X 39 - 2 Colours, National
T0149TC WEB Offset Plate Sizes 22 X 33 to 23 X 39 - 3 Colours, National
T0149TD WEB Offset Plate Sizes 22 X 33 to 23 X 39 - 4 Colours, National
T0149TE WEB Offset Plate Sizes 22 X 33 to 23 X 39 - 5 Colours, National
T0149TF WEB Offset Plate Sizes 22 X 33 to 23 X 39 - 6 Colours, National
T0149TG WEB Offset Plate Sizes 22 X 33 to 23 X 39 - 10 Colours, National
T0149TH WEB Press (Regional) 2 Colours
T0149TJ WEB Press (Regional) 4 Colours
T0149TK WEB Press (Regional) 6 Colours
T0149ZA Rotogravure Printing
T0149ZB Verkotype Printing
T014A10 Publications Loose-Leaf
T014A11 Publications, Newspaper Style
T014A12 Publications Glued Spine
T014A13 Publications Parliamentary Dailies
T014A14 Publications Parliamentary Bills
T014A15 Publications Parliamentary Committees
T014A16 Publications Parliamentary Special Committees
T014A17 Publications Parliamentary Bound Volumes
T014AAH Printing, Offset, Medium up to 25 X 38 - Informational, Process Colour - 1
T014AAJ Printing, Offset, Medium, up to 25 X 38 - Informational, Process Colour - 2
T014AAK Printing, Offset, Medium, Up To 25 X 38 - Informational, Process Colour - 3
T014AAL Printing, Offset, Medium, Up To 25 X 38 - Library, Process Colour - 3
T014AAM Printing, Offset, Medium, Up To 25 X 38 - Library, Process Colour - 2
T014AAN Printing, Offset, Medium, Up To 25X 38 X 38 - Library, Process Colour - 1
T014AAP Printing, Offset, Medium, Up To 25 X 38 - Prestige, Process Colour - 3
T014AAQ Printing, Offset, Medium, Up To 25 X 38 - Prestige, Process Colour - 2
T014AAR Printing, Offset, Medium, Up To 25 X 38 - Prestige, Process Colour - 1
T014ABK Printing, Offset, Over 25 X 38 - Informational, Process Colour
T014ABL Printing Offset, Large, Over 25 X 38 - Library, Process Colour
T014ABP Printing Offset, Large, Over 25 X 38 - Prestige, Process Colour
T014AKA Printing, Offset, Small, Up To 19 X 26 - Informational, Process Colour - 2A
T014AKB Printing, Offset, Small, Up To 19 X 26 - Informational, Process Colour - 3
T014AKC Printing, Offset, Small, Up to 19 X 26 - Informational, Process Colour - 3A
T014AKD Printing, Offset, Small, Up To 19 X 26 - Informational, Process Colour - 4
T014AKE Printing, Offset, Small, Up To 19 X 26 - Informational, Process Colour - 4A
T014AKK Printing, Offset, Small, Up To 19 X 26 - Informational, Spot Colour/Line - 1
T014ALA Printing, Offset, Small Up To 19 X 26 - Library, Process Colour - 1
T014ALB Printing, Offset, Small, Up To 19 X 26 - Library, Process Colour - 1A
T014ALC Printing, Offset, Small, Up To 19 X 26 - Library, Process Colour - 3
T014ALD Printing, Offset, Small, Up To 19 X 26 - Library, Process Colour - 4
T014ALL Printing, Offset, Small, Up To 19 X 26 - Library, Spot Colour/Line - 1
T014B10 Periodicals Side Wired
T014B11 Periodicals Mechanical
T014B12 Periodicals Loose-Leaf
T014B13 Periodicals, Newspaper Style
T014B14 Periodicals Glued Spine
T014D10 Security ID Printing Passes/Cards
T014D11 Security Printing Exam Sheets
T014D12 Security Printing Warrants
T014D13 Security Printing Publications
T014H10 Newsletters
T014H11 Forms Flat Cheque Inserts
T014H12 Forms Flat Binder Inserts (Cover/Spine)
T014H13 Forms Flat Other Envelope Inserts
T014H14 Forms Flat Video Jacket Inserts
T014H15 Flat Printing / Loose leaf Printing
T014H16 Flat Printing - Two or More Colours
T014H17 Flat Printing - Four Colour Process
T014JKA Snap Set/Non-Continuous
T014N1A Typesetting, Composition - National
T014N1B Typesetting, Composition - Arabic
T014N1C Typesetting, Composition - Off Terminal or Supplied Tapes
T014N1D Typesetting Composition - Disk Duplication
T014N1E Typesetting Composition - Scanning
T014N1F Typesetting Composition - Graphic Design
T014N1G Typesetting Composition - Forms Design
T014N1H Typesetting Composition - Typographic Design
T014N1K Typesetting Composition - Output to Paper and Film
T014N1L Typesetting Composition - Data Conversion
T014N1M Typesetting Composition - VAX
T014N1N Typesetting Composition (Make)
T014N1Q Typesetting Composition (Buy)
T014N1R Typesetting, Composition - Regional
T014N1X Typesetting, Composition, Multi-Item/Constant/Sourcing
T014N2R Word Processing - Regional
T014N2X Word Processing, Multi-Item/Constant/Sourcing
T014Q10 Offset Printing and Variable Imaging
T014Q11 CD-ROM / DVD Replication with Jewel Cases and Insert
T014R10 Colour Seps - Creative Design
T014R1A Artwork and Design
T014R1B Design and Analysis - Forms
T014R1C Calligraphy, Design and Artwork
T014R1D General Production (Design Consultation and Newspaper Design)
T014R1E Creative Graphics (Computer Graphics Invitation Cards)
T014R1F General Illustration (Calendar Design)
T014R1G Technical Illustration (Architectural Industrial Design, Technical Charts, Aviation Art, Scientific Illustration)
T014R1H Slides and Overhead (Computer Generated Slide)
T014R1J Cartoons (Caricatures)
T014R1K Hand Lettering (Custom Lettering)
T014R1L Native Canadian Design (Arctic Subject and Inuit Art)
T014R1M Maps
T014R1N Writing (Copy Writing, Tech Writing, Editorial, Translation Manual, Musicology)
T014R1P Photography - Camera Facilities Airbrushing Portraits
T014R1Q Typeset (Typography) Graph and Charts
T014R1R Artwork/Design - Regional
T014R1T ID Logos (Corporate Design)
T014R1X Artwork and Design Constant/Sourcing
T014R2A Colour Separations
T014R2R Colour Separations - Regional
T014R2X Colour Separations Constant/Sourcing
T014R3X Editorial Service
T014R4A Negatives
T014R4B Forms Design
T014R4C Forms Management
T014R4R Negatives/Plates - Regional
T014R4X Graphic Arts, Other
T014V0A White Printing
T014V0B Printing, Engraving and Embossing
T014V0C Binders, Printed
T014V0R Printing, Plastic Lamination
T014V0X Miscellaneous, Other
T014V1A Large Print - Alternate Format Printing
T014V1B Tactile Graphics - Alternate Format Printing
T014V8A Copying Services
T014V8B Copying Services, Colour Photocopying
T014V8X Copying Services
T014V9A Engraving and Etching Services
T014VOD Printing Trade Services - Prepress
T014VOE Printing Trade Services - Design Work (Make)
T014VOF Printing Trade Services - Design Work (Buy)
T014VOG Printing Trade Services - Printing Work (Buy)
T014VOH Printing Trade Services - Bindery Work (Buy)
T014VOJ Printing Trade Services - Spoilage (Directed Test)
T014VOK Printing Trade Services - Spoilage (Errors)
T014X10 Cartographic Printing - 63" Maps (Others)
T0142AAA Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc. (Printing) up to 10,000 Dollars - Sensitive, Page 1
T0142AAB Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc. (Printing) up to 10,000 Dollars - Sensitive, Page 2
T0142AAC Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc. (Printing) up to 10,000 Dollars - Sensitive, Page 3
T0142AAD Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc. (Printing) up to 10,000 Dollars - Sensitive, Page 4
T0142ABA Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc., (Printing) up to 10,000 Dollars - Non-Sensitive, Page 1
T0142ABB Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc., (Printing) up to 10,000 Dollars - Non-Sensitive, Page 2
T0142ABC Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc., (Printing) up to 10,000 Dollars - Non-Sensitive, Page 3
T0142ABD Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc., (Printing) up to 10,000 Dollars - Non-Sensitive, Page 4
T0142ABE Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc., (Printing) up to 10,000 Dollars - Non-Sensitive, Page 5
T0142ABF Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc. (Printing) up to 10,000 Dollars - Non-Sensitive, Page 6
T0142ABG Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc. (Printing) up to 10,000 Dollars - Non-Sensitive, page 7
T0142ABH Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc., (Printing) up to 10,000 Dollars - Non-Sensitive, Page 8
T0142ABJ Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc. (Printing) up to 10,000 Dollars - Non-Sensitive, page 9
T0142ACA Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc., (Printing) 10,000 to 25,000 Dollars - Sensitive, Page 1
T0142ACB Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc., (Printing) 10,000 to 25,000 Dollars - Sensitive, Page 2
T0142ACC Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc. (Printing) 10,000 to 25,000 Dollars - Sensitive, Page 3
T0142ACD Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc. (Printing) 10,000 to 25,000 Dollars - Sensitive, Page 4
T0142ADA Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc. (Printing) 10,000 to 25,000 Dollars - Non-Sensitive, Page 1
T0142ADB Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc., (Printing) 10,000 to 25,000 dollars - Non-Sensitive, Page 2
T0142ADC Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc. (Printing) 10,000 to 25,000 Dollars - Non-Sensitive, Page 3
T0142ADD Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc. (Printing) 10,000 to 25,000 Dollars - Non-Sensitive, Page 4
T0142ADE Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc. (Printing) 10,000 to 25,000 Dollars - Non-Sensitive, Page 5
T0142ADF Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc. (Printing) 10,000 to 25,000 Dollars - Non-Sensitive, Page 6
T0142ADG Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc. (Printing) 10,000 to 25,000 Dollars - Non-Sensitive, Page 7
T0142AEA Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc. (Printing) 25,000 to 50,000 Dollars - Sensitive, Page 1
T0142AEB Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc. (Printing) 25,000 to 50,000 Dollars - Sensitive, Page 2
T0142AEC Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc. (Printing) 25,000 Dollars to 50,000 Dollars - Sensitive, Page 3
T0142AFA Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc. (Printing) 25,000 to 50,000 Dollars - Non-Sensitive, Page 1
T0142AFB Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc. (Printing) 25,000 to 50,000 Dollars - Non-Sensitive, Page 2
T0142AFC Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc. (Printing) 25,000 to 50,000 Dollars - Non-Sensitive, Page 3
T0142AFD Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc. (Printing) 25,000 to 50,000 Dollars - Non-Sensitive, Page 4
T0142AFE Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc. (Printing) 25,000 to 50,000 Dollars - Non-Sensitive, Page 5
T0142AGA Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc. (Printing) Over 50,000 Dollars - Sensitive, Page 1
T0142AGB Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc. (Printing) Over 50,000 Dollars - Sensitive, Page 2
T0142AGC Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc. (Printing) Over 50,000 Dollars - Sensitive, Page 3
T0142AHA Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc. (Printing) Over 50,000 Dollars - Non-Sensitive, Page 1
T0142AHB Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc. (Printing) Over 50,000 Dollars - Non-Sensitive, Page 2
T0142AHC Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc. (Printing) Over 50,000 Dollars - Non-Sensitive, Page 3
T0142AJA Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc. (Printing) WEB Presses With Back-Up, Page 1
T0142AJB Taxation Booklets, Flat Forms, Tables, Guides, Etc. (Printing) WEB Presses With Back-Up, Page 2
T0142BAA Taxation Forms, Printed, Continuous and Snapsets, up to 10,000 Dollars, Non-Sensitive
T0142BAB Taxation Forms, Printed, Continuous and Snapsets, up to 25,000 Dollars, Non-Sensitive
T0142BAC Taxation Forms, Printed, Continuous and Snapsets, up to 50,000 Dollars, Non-Sensitive
T0142BAD Taxation Forms, Printed, Continuous and Snapsets, Over 50,000 Dollars, Non-Sensitive
T0142BBA Taxation Forms, Printed, Continuous and Snapsets, up to 10,000 Dollars, Sensitive
T0142BBB Taxation Forms, Printed, Continuous and Snapsets, up to 25,000 Dollars, Sensitive
T0142BBC Taxation Forms, Printed, Continuous and Snapsets, up to 50,000 Dollars, Sensitive
T0142BBD Taxation forms, Printed, Continuous and Snapsets, Over 50,000 Dollars, Sensitive
T0149SAA Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 10 X 15 to 17 X 21, 1 Colour, Page 1
T0149SAB Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 10 X 15 to 17 X 21, 1 Colour, Page 2
T0149SAC Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 10 X 15 to 17 X 21, 1 Colour, Page 3
T0149SAD Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 10 X 15 to 17 X 21, 1 Colour, Page 4
T0149SAE Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 10 X 15 to 17 X 21, 1 Colour, Page 5
T0149SAF Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 10 X 15 to 17 X 21, 1 Colour, Page 6
T0149SAG Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 10 X 15 to 17 X 21, 1 Colour, Page 7
T0149SAH Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 10 X 15 to 17 X 21, 1 Colour, Page 8
T0149SAJ Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 10 X 15 to 17 X 21, 1 Colour, Page 9
T0149SBA Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 11 X 17 to 15 X 22, 1 Colour, Page 01
T0149SBB Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 11 X 17 to 15 X 22, 1 Colour, Page 02
T0149SBC Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 11 X 17 to 15 X 22, 1 Colour, Page 03
T0149SBD Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 11 X 17 to 15 X 22, 1 Colour, Page 04
T0149SBE Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 11 X 17 to 15 X 22, 1 Colour, Page 05
T0149SBF Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 11 X 17 to 15 X 22, 1 Colour, Page 06
T0149SBG Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 11 X 17 to 15 X 22, 1 Colour, Page 07
T0149SBH Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 11 X 17 to 15 X 22, 1 Colour, Page 08
T0149SBJ Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 11 X 17 to 15 X 22, 1 Colour, Page 09
T0149SBK Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 11 X 17 to 15 X 22, 1 Colour, Page 10
T0149SBL Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 11 X 17 to 15 X 22, 1 Colour, Page 11
T0149SBM Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 11 X 17 to 15 X 22, 1 Colour, Page 12
T0149SBN Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 11 X 17 to 15 X 22, 1 Colour, Page 13
T0149SBO Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 11 X 17 to 15 X 22, 1 Colour
T0149SBP Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 11 X 17 to 15 X 22, 1 Colour, Page 14
T0149SBQ Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 11 X 17 to 15 X 22, 1 Colour, Page 15
T0149SBR Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 11 X 17 to 15 X 22, 1 Colour, Page 16
T0149SBS Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 11 X 17 to 15 X 22, 1 Colour, Page 17
T0149SBT Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 11 X 17 to 15 X 22, 1 Colour, Page 18
T0149SBU Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 11 X 17 to 15 X 22, 1 Colour, Page 19
T0149SBV Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 11 X 17 to 15 X 22, 1 Colour, Page 20
T0149SCA Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 10 X 15 to 19 X 25, 2 Colours, Page 1
T0149SCB Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 10 X 15 to 19 X 25, 2 Colours, Page 2
T0149SCC Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 10 X 15 to 19 X 25, 2 Colours, Page 3
T0149SCD Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 10 X 15 to 19 X 25, 2 Colours, Page 4
T0149SCE Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 10 X 15 to 19 X 25, 2 Colours, Page 5
T0149SCF Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 10 X 15 to 19 X 25, 2 Colours, Page 6
T0149SEA Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 17 X 22 to 18 X 25, 1 Colour, Page 01
T0149SEB Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 17 X 22 to 18 X 25, 1 Colour, Page 02
T0149SEC Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 17 X 22 to 18 X 25, 1 Colour, Page 03
T0149SED Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 17 X 22 to 18 X 25, 1 Colour, Page 04
T0149SEF Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 17 X 22 to 18 X 25, 1 Colour, Page 06
T0149SEG Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 17 X 22 to 18 X 25, 1 Colour, Page 07
T0149SEH Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 17 X 22 to 18 X 25, 1 Colour, Page 08
T0149SEJ Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 17 X 22 to 18 X 25, 1 Colour, Page 09
T0149SEK Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 17 X 22 to 18 X 25, 1 Colour, Page 10
T0149SEL Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 17 X 22 to 18 X 25, 1 Colour, Page 11
T0149SEM Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 17 X 22 to 18 X 25, 1 Colour, Page 12
T0149SEN Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 17 X 22 to 18 X 25, 1 Colour, Page 13
T0149SEP Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 17 X 22 to 18 X 25, 1 Colour, Page 14
T0149SER Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 17 X 22 to 18 X 25, 1 Colour, Page 15
T0149SES Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 17 X 22 to 18 X 25, 1 Colour, Page 16
T0149SET Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 17 X 22 to 18 X 25, 1 Colour, Page 17
T0149SEU Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 17 X 22 to 18 X 25, 1 Colour, Page 18
T0149SFA Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 19 X 25 to 28 X 40, 1 Colour, Page 01
T0149SFB Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 19 X 25 to 28 X 40, 1 Colour, Page 02
T0149SFC Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 19 X 25 to 28 X 40, 1 Colour, Page 03
T0149SFD Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 19 X 25 to 28 X 40, 1 Colour, Page 04
T0149SFE Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 19 X 25 to 28 X 40, 1 Colour, Page 05
T0149SFF Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 19 X 25 to 28 X 40, 1 Colour, Page 06
T0149SFG Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 19 X 25 to 28 X 40, 1 Colour, Page 07
T0149SFH Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 19 X 25 to 28 X 40, 1 Colour, Page 08
T0149SFJ Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 19 X 25 to 28 X 40, 1 Colour, Page 09
T0149SFK Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 19 X 25 to 28 X 40, 1 Colour, Page 10
T0149SFL Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 19 X 25 to 28 X 40, 1 Colour, Page 11
T0149SFM Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 19 X 25 to 28 X 40, 1 Colour, Page 12
T0149SFN Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 19 X 25 to 28 X 40, 1 Colour, Page 13
T0149SFP Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 19 X 25 to 28 X 40, 1 Colour, Page 14
T0149SFQ Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 19 X 25 to 28 X 40, 1 Colour, Page 15
T0149SFR Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 19 X 25 to 28 X 40, 1 Colour, Page 16
T0149SFS Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 19 X 25 to 28 X 40, 1 Colour, Page 17
T0149SFT Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 19 X 25 to 28 X 40, 1 Colour, Page 18
T0149SHA Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 19 X 25 to 28 X 40, 2 Colours, Page 1
T0149SHB Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 19 X 25 to 28 X 40, 2 Colours, Page 2
T0149SHC Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 19 X 25 to 28 X 40, 2 Colours, Page 3
T0149SHD Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 19 X 25 to 28 X 40, 2 Colours, Page 4
T0149SHE Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 19 X 25 to 28 X 40, 2 Colours, Page 5
T0149SHF Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 19 X 25 to 28 X 40, 2 Colours, Page 6
T0149SHG Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 19 X 25 to 28 X 40, 2 Colours, Page 7
T0149SHH Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 19 X 25 to 28 X 40, 2 Colours, Page 8
T0149SHJ Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 19 X 25 to 28 X 40, 2 Colours, Page 9
T0149SKX Straight Offset (National) All Press Sizes - 5 Colours and Over
T0149SRA Straight Offset, (National) Press Sizes 43 X 61 to 54 X 77, 4 Colours and Over
T0149STA Straight Offset, (Regional) Press Sizes 10 X 15 to 17 X 21, 1 Colour, Page 1
T0149STB Straight Offset, (Regional) Press Sizes 10 X 15 to 17 X 21, 1 Colour, Page 2
T0149STC Straight Offset, (Regional) Press Sizes 10 X 15 to 17 X 21, 1 Colour, Page 3
T0149STD Straight Offset, (Regional) Press Sizes 10 X 15 to 17 X 21, 1 Colour, Page 4
T0149STE Straight Offset, (Regional) Press Sizes 10 X 15 to 17 X 21, 1 Colour, Page 5
T0149STF Straight Offset, (Regional) Press Sizes 10 X 15 to 17 X 21, 1 Colour, Page 6
T0149STG Straight Offset, (Regional) Press Sizes 10 X 15 to 17 X 21, 1 Colour, Page 7
T0149SWA Straight Offset, (Regional) Press Sizes 11 X 17 to 17 X 21, 1 Colour, Page 1
T0149SWB Straight Offset, (Regional) Press Sizes 11 X 17 to 17 X 21, 1 Colour, Page 2
T0149SWC Straight Offset (Regional) Press Sizes 11 X 17 to 17 X 21, 1 Colour, Page 3
T0149SWD Straight Offset, (Regional) Press Sizes 11 X 17 to 17 X 21, 1 Colour, Page 4
T0149SWE Straight Offset, (Regional) Press Sizes 11 X 17 to 17 X 21, 1 Colour, Page 5
T0149SWF Straight Offset, (Regional) Press Sizes 11 X 17 to 17 X 21, 1 Colour, Page 6
T0149SWG Straight Offset, (Regional) Press Sizes 11 X 17 to 17 X 21, 1 Colour, Page 7
T0149SYA Straight Offset, (Regional) Press Sizes 18 X 23 to 36 X 48, 1 Colour, Page 01
T0149SYB Straight Offset, (Regional) Press Sizes 18 X 23 to 36 X 48, 1 Colour, Page 02
T0149SYC Straight Offset, (Regional) Press Sizes 18 X 23 to 36 X 48, 1 Colour, Page 03
T0149SYD Straight Offset, (Regional) Press Sizes 18 X 23 to 36 X 48, 1 Colour, Page 04
T0149SYE Straight Offset, (Regional) Press Sizes 18 X 23 to 36 X 48, 1 Colour, Page 05
T0149SYH Straight Offset, (Regional) Press Sizes 18 X 23 to 36 X 48, 1 Colour, Page 07
T0149SYJ Straight Offset, (Regional) Press Sizes 18 X 23 to 36 X 48, 1 Colour, Page 08
T0149SYK Straight Offset, (Regional) Press Sizes 18 X 23 to 36 X 48, 1 Colour, Page 09
T0149SYL Straight Offset, (Regional) Press Sizes 18 X 23 to 36 X 48, 1 Colour, Page 10
T0149SYM Straight Offset, (Regional) Press Sizes 18 X 23 to 36 X 48, 1 Colour, Page 11
T0149SYN Straight Offset, (Regional) Press Sizes 18 X 23 to 36 X 48, 1 Colour, Page 12
T0149TAA Web Offset Plate Sizes 22 X 33 to 23 X 39 - 1 Colour, Page 1
T0149TAB Web Offset Plate Sizes 22 X 33 to 23 X 39 - 1 Colour, Page 2
T0149TBA Web Offset Plate Sizes 22 X 33 to 23 X 39 - 2 Colours, Page 1
T0149TBB Web Offset Plate Sizes 22 X 33 to 23 X 39 - 2 Colours, page 2
T014AAKA Printing, Offset, Medium, Up To 25 X 38 - Informational, Spot Colour/Line -1
T014AAKB Printing, Offset, Medium, Up To 25 X 38 - Informational, Spot Colour/Line - 2
T014AAKC Printing, Offset, Medium, Up To 25 X 38 - Informational, Spot Colour/Line - 3
T014AALA Printing, Offset, Medium, Up To 25 X 38 - Library, Spot Colour/Line - 1
T014AALB Printing, Offset, Medium, Up To 25 X 38 - Library, Spot Colour/Line - 2
T014AALC Printing Offset, Medium, Up To 25 X 38 - Library, Spot Colour/Line - 3
T014AAPA Printing, Offset, Medium, Up To 25 X 38 - Prestige, Spot Colour/Line - 1
T014AAPB Printing, Offset, Medium, Up To 25 X 38 - Prestige, Spot Colour/Line - 2
T014AAPC Printing, Offset, Medium, Up To 25 X 38 - Prestige, Spot Colour/Line - 3
T014ABKA Printing, Offset, Large, Over 25 X 38 - Informational, Process Colour - 1
T014ABKB Printing, Offset, Large, Over 25 X 38 - Informational, Spot Colour/Line
T014ABKC Printing, Offset, Large, Over 25 X 38 - Informational, Spot Colour/Line - 1
T014ABLA Printing, Offset, Large, Over 25 X 38 - Library, Spot Colour/Line
T014ABLB Printing, Offset, Large, Over 25 X 38 - Library, Spot Colour/Line - 1
T014ABPA Printing, Offset, Large, Over 25 X 38 - Prestige, Spot Colour/Line
T014ABPB Printing, Offset, Large, Over 25 X 38 - Prestige Spot Colour/Line - 1
T014AKKA Printing, Offset, Small, Up To 19 X 26 - Informational, Spot Colour/Line - 1A
T014AKKB Printing, Offset, Small, Up To 19 X 26 - Informational, Spot Colour/Line - 2
T014AKKC Printing, Offset, Small, Up To 19 X 26 - Informational, Spot Colour/Line - 2A
T014AKKD Printing, Offset, Small, Up To 19 X 26 - Informational, Spot Colour/Line - 3
T014AKKE Printing, Offset, Small, Up To 19 X 26 - Informational, Spot Colour/Line - 3A
T014AKKF Printing, Offset, Small, Up To 19 X 26 - Informational, Spot Colour/Line - 4
T014AKKG Printing, Offset, Small, Up To 19 X 26 - Informational, Spot Colour/Line - 4A
T014AKKH Printing, Offset, Small, Up To 19 X 26 - Informational, Utillity or Office
T014ALLA Printing, Offset, Small, Up To 19 X 26 - Library, Spot Colour/Line - 1A
T014ALLB Printing, Offset, Small, Up To 19 X 26 - Library, Spot Colour/Line - 2
T014ALLC Printing, Offset, Small, Up To 19 X 26 - Library, Spot Colour/Line - 2A
T014ALLD Printing, Offset, Small, Up To 19 X 26 - Library, Spot Colour/Line - 3
T014ALLE Printing, Offset, Small, Up To 19 X 26 - Library, Spot Colour/Line - 4
T014ALLF Printing, Offset, Small, Up To 19 X 26 - Library, Spot Colour/Line - 4A
T014APPA Printing, Offset, Small, Up To 19 X 26 - Prestige, Spot Colour/Line - 1
T014APPB Printing, Offset, Small, Up To 19 X 26, Prestige, Spot Colour/Line - 1A
T014APPC Printing, Offset, Small, Up To 19 X 26 - Prestige, Spot Colour/Line - 2
T014APPD Printing, Offset, Small, Up To 19 X 26 - Prestige, Spot Colour/Line - 3
T014APPE Printing, Offset, Small, Up To 19 X 26 - Prestige, Spot Colour/Line - 4
T014W1AA Printing Paper - Mills
T014W2AA Printing Paper - Wholesalers

Contact for this GSIN Code

There is no available contact for this GSIN code.