Topography Services

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GSIN Description
Topography Services
GSIN Category
GSIN Group Description
Communications, Photographic, Mapping, Printing and Publication Services
GSIN Class Description
Communication, Photographic, Mapping, Printing and Publication Services
GSIN Code Status
Not applicable

GSIN direct descendents

Code Title
T016A Map Revision and Reproduction
T016B Mapping Services, N.E.S.
T016C Map Production
T016D Map Production: Photogrammetric and Cartographic Reproduction
T016E Aeromagnetic Survey F.W. for Mapping
T016F Aeromagnetic Survey Services: R.W. for Mapping
T016G Electromagnetic Survey Services: F.W. for Mapping
T016H Electromagnetic Survey Services: R.W. for Mapping
T016I Gradiometric Survey Services: F.W. for Mapping
T016J Gradiometric Survey Services: R.W. for Mapping
T016K Radiometric Survey Services: F.W. for Mapping
T016L Radiometric Survey Services: R.W. for Mapping
T016M VLF/Electromagnetic Survey Services: F.W. for Mapping
T016N VLF/Electromagnetic Survey Services: R.W. for Mapping
T016O Topography Services
T016P Airborne Geophysical Surveys Specialty Commercial Air Services
T016Q Airborne Gravity Survey Services: F.W. for Mapping
T016R Airborne Gravity Survey Services: R.W. for Mapping
T016AA Map Revision and Reproduction
T016CA Map Production: Control Survey Support for Mapping
T016CB Map Production: Aerial Triangulation and Numerical Adjustment for Mapping
T016CC Map Production: Photogrammetric Mapping and Revision Large Scale 1:500 to 1:10,000
T016CD Map Production: Photogrammetric Mapping and Revision Medium Scale Above 1:10,000
T016CE Map Production: Photomapping
T016CF Map Production: Orthophotomapping
T016CG Map Production: Digital Mapping
T016CH Map Production: Drafting and Reproduction
T016CI Map Production: Military City Map Revision
T016DA Map Production: Reprographic Digitizing
T016DB Map Production: Data Structuring

Contact for this GSIN Code

There is no available contact for this GSIN code.