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  • GCSupply Manual sectionFinancial security
    Financial security can be required from a supplier to: protect Canada against loss should a supplier fail to enter into a contract (bid financial security); ensure that a contractor's obligations under a contract are carried out (contract financial ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionEmergency contracting (Public Works and Government Services Canada as contracting authority)
    In accordance with the Treasury Board (TB) Directive on the Management of Procurement, Appendix A, subsection A.3.2 (Emergency contracting limits: applicable to specific departments), the Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) may ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionEmergency contracts and contractual arrangements
    Contracts/contractual arrangements issued in response to a pressing emergency that would normally require Treasury Board (TB) approval are considered emergency contracts/contractual arrangements in the context of the TB Directive on the Management of ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionEmergency requirements
  • GCSupply Manual sectionBid financial security
    The decision to obtain bid financial security should take into account the following: the extent of bidder prequalification possibility; the type of work and custom of the trade; the likelihood of attempts to withdraw; the consequences of the failure or ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionDisclosure of information
    Formal requests through the Access to Information Act will be addressed by the Access to Information and Privacy Office. The following information can be released by contracting officers on a routine basis, after award of a contract or after the issuance ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionDebriefing and feedback session to bidders/offerors/suppliers
    Debriefing The purpose of a debriefing is to explain to unsuccessful bidders/offerors/suppliers why their bid/offer/arrangement was not accepted, allowing them to improve their future documents. A debriefing demonstrates the fairness, openness, and ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionSecurity markings for documents posted on the Standing Offers and Supply Arrangements Application (SOSA App)
    Contracting officers able to publish documents on the SOSA App must ensure that all documentation is marked with the appropriate security marking as indicated in the departmental guide on levels of security. Only documentation containing information ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionCost reimbursable contracts: Audit
    Cost reimbursable contracts or contracts with cost reimbursable elements require special attention because the price is not specified in the contract, but rather is determined after completion of the work. All cost reimbursable contracts must include SACC ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionEvaluation process and method of selection
    The evaluation process and the method of selection such a lowest price, best value, etc., must be clearly described in the solicitation documents. For detailed guidance on the development of evaluation and selection criteria, consult the Basic Guide for ...

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