
Attention! CanadaBuys is the new official source for Government of Canada tender and award notices. This means you can now search for and bid on tender opportunities posted on CanadaBuys.

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Showing items 61 through 70 of 452.

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  • GCPolicy notificationPolicy on Decision Making with Respect to Limiting Contractor Liability in Crown Procurement Contracts
    Introduction On May 8, 2003, the Treasury Board (TB) approved a new Policy entitled 'Policy on Decision Making in Limiting Contractor Liability in Crown Procurement Contracts.' The new Policy has come into effect on September 1, 2003, replacing the TB ...
  • GCPolicy notificationStandard Instructions 2004ACB – Goods or Services – Non-competitive Requirements for use in CanadaBuys (SAP Ariba)
    Purpose The purpose of CanadaBuys Notification (CBN)- 002 is to notify PSPC Buyers that Standard Instructions (SI) 2004ACB (AchatsCanadaBuys) for non-competitive requirements in CanadaBuys (SAP Ariba) are now available. Effective date CBN- 002 is ...
  • GCNewsService interruption to services
    November 9, 2022- Ottawa- Please be advised that has a planned service maintenance that will affect all users between the period of 8:00 pm EDT Wednesday November 9, to 7:00 am EDT Thursday November 10, 2022. Impacts to users During the ...
  • GCNewsService interruption to the Supplier Registration Information (SRI) system
    November 2, 2022- Ottawa- There is a planned service interruption to the Supplier Registration Information (SRI) system between the period of 9:00 pm EDT to 11:00 pm EDT Wednesday, November 2, 2022. Suppliers wishing to register in SRI may experience ...
  • GCNewsWebsite service advisory: 2022-10-26
    October 26, 2022- Ottawa- Maintenance to the website will begin at 20:00 EDT Wednesday, October 26, 2022. During this maintenance window, there may be interruptions to the website. The site will be fully operational at 7 ...
  • GCNewsWebsite service advisory: 2022-10-12
    October 12, 2022- Ottawa- Maintenance to the website will begin at 20:00 EDT Wednesday, October 12, 2022. During this maintenance window, there may be interruptions to the website. The site will be fully operational at 7 ...
  • GCNewsService interruption to the Supplier Registration Information (SRI) system
    September 27, 2022- Ottawa- There is a planned service interruption to the Supplier Registration Information (SRI) system between the period of 8:30 am EDT to 10:00 am EDT Wednesday, September 28, 2022. Suppliers wishing to register in SRI may experience ...
  • GCNewsWebsite service advisory: 2022-09-14
    September 14, 2022- Ottawa- Maintenance to the website will begin at 20:00 EDT Wednesday, September 14, 2022. During this maintenance window, there may be interruptions to the website. The site will be fully operational ...
  • GCPolicy notificationUpdated Standard Instructions 2003ACB for use in CanadaBuys (SAP Ariba)
    Purpose The purpose of CanadaBuys Notification (CBN) – 001 is to notify PSPC Buyers of updated standard instructions for use in CanadaBuys (SAP Ariba). The updated Standard Instructions (SI) 2003ACB are provided to PSPC Buyers for use only in procurements ...
  • GCNewsWebsite service advisory: 2022-09-01
    September 1, 2022- Ottawa- Maintenance to the website will begin at 20:00 EDT Thursday, September 1, 2022. During this maintenance window, there may be interruptions to the website. The site will be fully operational at 7 ...

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