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Showing items 441 through 449 of 449.

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  • GCPolicy notificationProcurement Business Numbers (PBNs)
    Background As stated in the Assistant Deputy Minister/Supply Operations Service Branch (ADM/SOSB) Communique, Edition 25, 'to further move forward the adoption of the Procurement Business Number (PBN) as a government-wide company identifier for ...
  • GCPolicy notificationTermination of the Canada-Korea Procurement of Telecommunications Equipment Agreement (CKTEA)
    The CKTEA is a bilateral agreement between Canada and Korea which covers federal government procurement of telecommunications goods and incidental services (services included in goods contracts). Effective September 1, 2005, the CKTEA will be terminated. ...
  • GCPolicy notificationCanada-Korea Procurement of Telecommunications Equipment Agreement (CKTEA)
    The CKTEA is a bilateral agreement between Canada and Korea which covers federal government procurement of telecommunications goods and incidental services (services included in goods contracts). The CKTEA took effect on September 1, 2001. For ...
  • GCPolicy notificationJust in Time Approval Process (JITAP) Standardized Format
    This update is to be read in conjunction with the original Policy Notification 37. Since its introduction on September 11, 1998, the JITAP has proven itself as an effective and timely instrument for dealing with urgent amendment requests. There is now a ...
  • GCPolicy notificationContract Amendment Requests: Just In Time Approval Process (JITAP)
    This new approval process is EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY. The purpose of the rapid response process is to deal with contract amendment requests that require a decision in less time than the standard process and deal on a clearly exceptional basis with urgent ...
  • GCPolicy notificationNew Contract Code for Pre-Approved Amendments
    Effective immediately, Document Type number 22, Contract Code for Pre-Approved Amendments, has been activated for ABE, SPEC and ACCORD systems, and shall be used to identify all pre-approved amendments. Amendments that were previously approved and will be ...
  • GCPolicy notificationContract Entry and Amendment Authorities (Revised)
    Background This policy notification provides updated guidance for implementing the recently approved SOS Delegation Approval Limits. In December 2001, Supply Operations Service Branch received approval to implement a new delegation of approval authorities ...
  • GCPolicy notificationRevised Contract Entry and Amendment Authorities
    This policy notification update refers to previous policy notifications on the Procurement Information Form (PN-32 and PN-32U) and Revised Contract Entry and Amendment Authorities (PN-35). Question 1: Should the figure indicated in the "Aggregate ...
  • GCPolicy notificationRevised Contract Entry and Amendment Authorities
    On July 2, the Minister approved a new Departmental Delegation of Authority framework. The new delegation reflects significant changes in contract and contract amendment authorities which will be effective July 17, 1998. This Policy Notification details ...

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