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Showing items 41 through 50 of 263.

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  • GCPolicy notificationTransition to the e-Procurement Solution (EPS): Interim clauses for new RFSOs and RFSAs
    Purpose The purpose of Policy Notification (PN) 130 is to introduce interim clauses in all new requests for standing offers and supply arrangements (RFSOs/RFSAs) in order to inform on the support Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC)’s ...
  • GCPolicy notificationRequirements for the ethical procurement of apparel
    Purpose The purpose of Policy Notification (PN) 132 is to inform Acquisitions Program (AP) on new contracting and certification requirements for the ethical procurement of apparel. Effective date and application This PN is effective immediately, and ...
  • GCPolicy notificationCanadian Collaborative Procurement Initiative for Standing Offers
    Purpose The purpose of this Policy Notification (PN) is to notify all Acquisitions Program (AP) contracting officers that the Canadian Collaborative Procurement Initiative (CCPI) is now available for inclusion in Public Works and Government Services ...
  • GCPolicy notificationPublishing Standing Offers and Supply Arrangements on the SOSA App
    Purpose The purpose of Policy Notification 135 (PN-135) is to inform PWGSC Acquisitions Program (AP) contracting officers of the actions they must take to post information to the Standing Offers and Supply Arrangements Application (SOSA App), which ...
  • GCPolicy notificationUse of Construction and Architectural and Engineering Services Contracting Authorities
    Introduction This Policy Notification (PN)-43R supersedes PN-43U released March 19, 2001. As client departments increase their project management capacities and capabilities relating to construction and architectural and engineering (A&E) services, it is ...
  • GCPolicy notificationAdvance Contract Award Notices (ACANs)
    Introduction The purpose of Policy Notification (PN)-39U3 is to update the instructions to contracting officers with respect to Advanced Contract Award Notices (ACANs). Background These changes are a result of the review of government procurement ...
  • GCPolicy notificationReview Process for Standing Offers and Supply Arrangements
    Purpose Policy Notification (PN)-72R1 replaces PN-72R, dated November 14, 2006, in its entirety. PN-72R1 is a companion to, and should be read in conjunction with PN-92, Commodity Management Policy, and with the provisions of applicable chapters of the ...
  • GCPolicy notificationAdvance Contract Award Notice (ACAN)
    Introduction The purpose of Policy Notification (PN) 39U4 is to strengthen and clarify the implementation process in the Supply Manual (SM) with respect to an Advance Contract Award Notice (ACAN). Background The Acquisitions Branch (AB) will be updating ...
  • GCPolicy notificationProcurement Complexity Levels, Risk Assessment and Approval Authorities
    Purpose The purpose of this Policy Notification 105R1 (PN-105R1) is to notify all Acquisitions Program (AP) employees and any other persons providing procurement services on behalf of AP about the new procurement complexity levels, risk assessment, and ...
  • GCPolicy notificationReview Process for Creation, Renewal and/or Extension of Standing Offers and Supply Arrangements
    Purpose The purpose of Policy Notification 72R2 (PN-72R2) is to notify Acquisitions Program (AP) contracting officers of changes to the processes involved in the creation, renewal and extension of Standing Offers (SOs) and Supply Arrangements (SAs), and ...

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