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Showing items 601 through 610 of 626 for SM.

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  • GCPolicy notificationCanada-Korea Procurement of Telecommunications Equipment Agreement (CKTEA)
    The CKTEA is a bilateral agreement between Canada and Korea which covers federal government procurement of telecommunications goods and incidental services (services included in goods contracts). The CKTEA was signed in early July 1999. The Policy ...
  • GCPolicy notificationConfirming Orders and Contracts Involving Pre-contractual Work- Revision
    Introduction The purpose of Policy Notification 53R is to correct the discrepancies between the Supply Manual (SM) and the Standard Acquisitions Clauses and Conditions (SACC) Manual and to provide revisions to the SM policies and procedures as well as ...
  • GCPolicy notificationControlled Goods Information- Update
    Introduction The purpose of Policy Notification (PN) 51U1 is to update the clauses and procedures related to controlled goods in the Standard Acquisition Clauses and Conditions (SACC) Manual and the Supply Manual (SM). PN-51 and PN-51U were promulgated on ...
  • GCPolicy notificationDebriefings: Information on bidder recourse
    Background: The Chairman of the Canadian International Trade Tribunal (CITT) expressed concern that generally, suppliers were not aware of the recourse mechanisms available to unsuccessful bidders whenever they are dissatisfied with the procurement ...
  • GCPolicy notificationDefence Supplies Remission Order
    1. The simplified Customs Tariff and the related Customs Act amendments are effective from January 1, 1998. 2. The Government has introduced a new tariff with a single, consolidated schedule to replace the seven previous schedules. The customs legislation ...
  • GCPolicy notificationRevised PIF Procedure
    This policy notification relates to a revised procedure for the routing and processing of Procurement Information Forms (PIFs) to the Minister. It is effective immediately and replaces the current routing process for PIFs. All other aspects of PN-32, 32U ...
  • GCPolicy notificationRevised Contract Entry and Amendment Authorities
    This policy notification update refers to previous policy notifications on the Procurement Information Form (PN-32 and PN-32U) and Revised Contract Entry and Amendment Authorities (PN-35). Question 1: Should the figure indicated in the "Aggregate ...
  • GCPolicy notificationRevised Contract Entry and Amendment Authorities
    On July 2, the Minister approved a new Departmental Delegation of Authority framework. The new delegation reflects significant changes in contract and contract amendment authorities which will be effective July 17, 1998. This Policy Notification details ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGC9- Indemnification and Insurance
    GC9.1 Indemnification GC9.2 Insurance Requirements R1650D GC9.1 (2011-05-16) Indemnification The Consultant shall indemnify and save harmless Canada, its employees and agents, from losses arising out of the errors, omissions or negligent acts of the ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGC1- General Provisions
    GC1.1 Interpretation GC1.1.1 Headings and References GC1.1.2 Terminology GC1.1.3 Application of Certain Provisions GC1.1.4 Substantial Performance GC1.1.5 Completion GC1.2 Contract Documents GC1.2.1 General GC1.2.2 Order of Precedence GC1.2.3 Security and ...

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