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Showing items 551 through 560 of 626 for SM.

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  • GCSACC Manual itemPrice Certification- Canadian Universities and Colleges
    The Bidder certifies that the price proposed is based on costs computed in accordance with the Public Works and Government Services Canada Supply Manual procedures 10.090 to 10.098 ( text/sm/chapter10-e.html ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemDiscretionary Audit- Canadian Universities and Colleges
    The Contractor's certification that the price quoted is based on costs computed in accordance with Public Works and Government Services Canada Supply Manual procedures 10.090 to 10.098 ( acquisitions/text/sm/chapter10-e.html ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemDiscretionary Audit
    1. Notwithstanding the Accounts and Audit clause, section_____of general conditions______ (Insert number and full title), the Contractor's certification that the price quoted is based on costs computed in accordance with Public Works and Government ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemDiscretionary Audit
    1. Notwithstanding the Accounts and Audit clause, section_____of general conditions______ (Insert number and full title), the Contractor's certification that the price quoted is based on costs computed in accordance with Public Works and Government ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemDelivery- Preparations
    Delivery shall be within sixty (60) days of the date of manufacture stamped on the battery or the smallest unit package and the carton. Batteries delivered after sixty (60) days of the date of manufacture shall be returned to the Contractor at his expense. ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemPreparation for Delivery
    Preparation for delivery for item (s)_____ shall be in accordance with the latest issue of the Canadian Forces packaging specifications_____. Use this clause to define the packaging specifications for the procurement of items covered by a commodity ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemPreparation for Delivery
    Preparation for delivery for item (s)_____ shall be in accordance with the latest issue of the Canadian Forces packaging specification_____. Use this clause to define the packaging specification for the procurement of items covered by a commodity packaging ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemTest Reports- Non-safety Critical Items
    If Class 3 Threaded Fasteners are being provided as a requirement of this Contract, then the Contractor shall provide to the Quality Assurance Representative (QAR) a valid inspection/test report of the results obtained for the following parameters: a. "go" ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemEmployment Equity
    The Federal Contractors Program for Employment Equity requires that some organizations bidding for federal government contracts make a formal commitment to implement employment equity, as a pre-condition to the validation of their bids. All bidders must ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemCanadian Content Definition
    1. Canadian good: A good wholly manufactured or originating in Canada is considered a Canadian good. A product containing imported components may also be considered Canadian for the purpose of this policy when it has undergone sufficient change in Canada, ...

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