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Showing items 6521 through 6530 of 6623 for DI.

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  • GCSACC Manual itemRecovery of Information
    The Supplier must be able to provide for recovery of information on the media supplied if the media supplied is defective. The data must be transferred to another good medium, when recovery is possible, and returned to the customer under the following ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemHovercraft- Requirement
    To disassemble, re-assemble and test Gnome Engine_____ for the Canadian Coast Guard. Firm price to be for labour only, material and subcontract charges extra. ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemAdministration Provisions
    1. For the purposes of this requirement, the following working hours and overtime periods shall apply: (a) A normal working day shall be any 7.5-hour period between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday inclusive, and totaling 37.5 hours ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemSole Bid- Price Support
    1. In the event that your bid is the sole bid received, Government Contract Regulations require price support be submitted in conjunction with the offer. Acceptable price support is one or more of the following: (a) current published price list indicating ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemInvoices
    Upon completion of the Contract, the Contractor shall submit, to the Contracting Officer specified in the Contract, invoices in triplicate relating to the purchase and installation of all equipment for which full or partial reimbursement of costs is to be ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemAudit and Cost Submission
    1. The amount claimed under the terms and conditions of this Contract, as computed in accordance with the Basis of Payment, is subject to government audit. 2. Any payments made pending completion of the audit shall be regarded as interim payments only and ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemLaundering
    REQUIREMENT: For the laundering of items as per appendix "A", on an "as and when requested" basis. 1. Prices to include: (a) Pick-up and delivery of garments. (b) Minor repairs to be done automatically such as mending rips, patching, sewing on buttons. ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGarments and Towels- Rental and Laundry
    REQUIREMENT: FOR THE RENTAL AND LAUNDRY OF GARMENTS AND TOWELS AS DETAILED HEREIN. Clients will provide the Contractor with a list of names of people requiring garments, along with the quantity of towels required. The Contractor shall take all the ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemCommercial Pack Quotation
    Bidders are to quote on the pack quantities as specified for each of the applicable items in Appendix "B". In addition, if your commercial pack quantities differ from the basic, intermediate and bulk pack quantities shown in Appendix "B", you may indicate ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemMechanic Qualifications
    All maintenance and repair work is to be performed by licensed mechanics, or apprentice mechanics under the direct supervision of a licensed mechanic. ...

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