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Showing items 4111 through 4120 of 6624 for DI.

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  • GCSupply Manual sectionTrade-ins
    Contracts for which trade-ins have been approved through disposal operations procedures are subject to approval authorities as detailed in Annex 6.4: Conditions Imposed on the Approval Authority Limits for Public Works and Government Services Canada ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionContract Amendment
    The contract amendment approval document is used to seek approval to amend a contract/standing offer/supply arrangement. The amendment approval authority required will determine the document to be used. The amendment approval documents are: the "Contract ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemMiniature and Instrument Ball Bearings
    The following clause shall be applicable to Miniature and Instrument Ball Bearings, as defined herein, to be supplied under the Contract and to articles containing Miniature and Instrument Ball Bearings, as defined herein, to be supplied under the ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemProduction Progress Report
    The Contractor shall prepare the Production Progress Report, DD Form 375, on a monthly basis; on an exception to the Contract delivery schedule basis. DD Form 375 shall be submitted monthly and no later than the second work day of the subsequent month. DD ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemProduction Progress Report
    The Contractor shall prepare the DD Form 375, Production Progress Report, both on a monthly basis and exception to the Contract delivery schedule basis. DD Form 375 shall be submitted monthly and no later than the second work day of the subsequent month. ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemPriorities- United States Purchases
    This is an urgent United States (U.S.) government defence requirement and use of a U.S. priority rating is authorized and assigned. This priority rating is valid only for the purchase of materials, sub-assemblies and components (excluding controlled goods ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemRelease and Reimbursements
    Release- Cost Type Contract: Pursuant to the terms of this Contract and in consideration of the sum of $_____, which has been or is to be paid to the Contractor or its assignees, if any, the Contractor, upon payment of the said sum by CCC, remises, ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionBid Rigging/Collusion/Fraud
    The contracting officer must notify Legal Services and his or her immediate director whenever there is an indication of possible bid-rigging activities, collusion or fraud. When it is considered necessary, Legal Services will assist in subsequent ...
  • GCPage Benefits of Smart Procurement
    Information: Publiservice Disclaimer The Publiservice icon that appears beside the link text means the information is only accessible to federal government department and agency employees. Smart Procurement allows Public Works and Government Services ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemProgress Payments
    Progress payments will be made not more frequently than once a month upon the following terms and conditions: Progress Claims shall be completed in full, including a brief report of the progress of the Work to the date of the claim, and submitted to ...

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