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Showing items 3981 through 3990 of 6624 for DI.

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  • GCSupply Manual sectionBid and Contract Security
    Surety bonds lapse automatically on expiration of the purpose or period for which they were required. Security deposits (government guaranteed bonds, bills of exchange, irrevocable standby letters of credit) must be returned to bidders. The bidder must ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionLetter of Intent
    When the timely delivery of goods or services would be jeopardized by lengthy negotiations, a Letter of Intent authorizes commencement of the work before the contract is awarded. It is a binding commitment to place a contract with a designated supplier. ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionLegal Entity
    Whatever the form of procurement document, the contracting officer must ensure that it is with a supplier that is a legal entity having the legal capacity to contract, and that the supplier's legal name is used. Possession of a Procurement Business Number ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionProcurement Plan
    The Procurement Plan is a document that sets out the intended strategy for how a procurement will be carried out before any significant procurement actions are performed, such as the posting of an ACAN or the commencement of negotiations. The procurement ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionFinancial Capability
    The bidder must have the financial capability to fulfill the requirement. Treasury Board (TB) Policy states "firms considered qualified are those which have the technical, financial and managerial competence to discharge the contract. Contracting officers ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionCommunications before Contract Award
    Before contract award, contracting officers must advise suppliers that, if they are non compliant to the requirements of the Federal Contractors Program for employment equity, they will not be awarded a contract except in limited circumstances. See Annex ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionWarranty
    In a contract for the sale of goods, any affirmation of fact or any promise by the supplier relating to the goods is an express warranty. The warranty provisions in the general conditions do not negate or limit in any way the operation of other relevant ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionContract Financial Security
    When the decision to obtain contract financial security has been taken, the contracting officer must stipulate in the solicitation documents that contract financial security will be required. SACC Manual clause E0007C must be used in conjunction with ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionExhibit B: Proposed Letter- Requesting Information from Outgoing Contractor (no clause)
    Dear_______________ (insert name of contractor), As you are aware, contract___________ (insert contract no.) for the provision of____________ (insert type of building-related services) will expire on____________ (insert date). Pursuant to the laws of the ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionExhibit A: Proposed Letter- Requesting Information from Outgoing Contractor (with a clause)
    Dear_______________ (insert name of contractor), As you are aware, contract___________ (insert contract no.) for the provision of____________ (insert type of building-related services) will expire on____________ (insert date). Pursuant to the clause ...

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