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Showing items 3721 through 3730 of 6198 for DI.

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  • GCSACC Manual itemGovernment Property- Alternate II
    The following replaces paragraphs (c) and (g) of clause Z0801C. Title to Government property. The U.S. Government shall retain title to all Government- furnished property. All Government-furnished property and all property acquired by the Contractor, ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGovernment Property- Alternate I
    The following replaces paragraph (g) of clause Z0801C. Limited risk of loss. The term " Contractor's managerial personnel ", as used in this paragraph (g), means the Contractor's directors, officers, and any of the Contractor's managers, superintendents, ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGovernment Property
    Government-furnished property. The U.S. Government shall deliver to the Contractor, for use in connection with and under the terms of this Contract, the Government-furnished property described in the Schedule or specifications together with any related ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemQuality and Inspection Systems
    All work is subject to Government Quality Assurance performed at the Contractor's or subcontractor's facility by the Department of National Defence Director of Quality Assurance, or its designated Quality Assurance Representative (QAR). Within forty-eight ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemInspection of Supplies- Fixed Price
    Definition. " Supplies " as used in this clause, includes but is not limited to raw materials, requirements, intermediate assemblies and end products. The Contractor shall provide and maintain an inspection system acceptable to the Canadian Commercial ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemMaterial Inspection and Receiving Report
    A United States Department of Defense (U.S. DoD) Form DD250, Material Inspection and Receiving Report, will be prepared and distributed for each shipment made under this Contract in accordance with the U.S. Defense Federal Acquisition Regulations ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemFormer Public Servant – Non-competitive Requirements
    Contracts awarded to former public servants (FPS) in receipt of a pension or of a lump sum payment must bear the closest public scrutiny and reflect fairness in the spending of public funds. In order to comply with Treasury Board policies and directives ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemFormer Public Servant – Competitive Requirements
    Contracts awarded to former public servants (FPS) in receipt of a pension or of a lump sum payment must bear the closest public scrutiny, and reflect fairness in the spending of public funds. In order to comply with Treasury Board policies and directives ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemElectronic Purchasing
    Any standing offer that will be issued as a result of the Request for Standing Offers can be listed on e-purchasing, which is a web-based desk top purchasing system provided to federal government departments. While not obligated to agree to have their ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemElectronic Purchasing
    Any standing offer that will be issued as a result of the Request for Standing Offers can be listed on e-purchasing, which is a web-based desk top purchasing system provided to federal government departments. While not obligated to agree to have their ...

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