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Showing items 2061 through 2070 of 6624 for DI.

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  • GCSACC Manual itemOptional site visit
    Option 1 It is recommended that the Bidder or a representative of the Bidder visit the work site. Arrangements have been made for the site visit to be held at______________ (insert address) on______________ (insert date [for e.g. 17 March 2014]). The site ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemCOVID-19 vaccination requirement certification
    In accordance with the COVID-19 Vaccination Policy for Supplier Personnel, all Bidders must provide with their bid, the COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement Certification attached to this bid solicitation, to be given further consideration in this procurement ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemQuality assurance authority (Department of National Defence): Canadian-based contractor
    All work is subject to Government Quality Assurance performed at the Contractor's or subcontractor's facility, and at the installation site, by the Director of Quality Assurance, or its designated Quality Assurance Representative (QAR). Director of ...
  • GCPageItqaijut Inuit Havakviinik: Atiliuqatauguit Taja!
    Qittiqqautijuq 27, 2022- Ottawa– Kavamatukatkut piniaktut hanalutik pitkutiligiyikhainik pilaaktait Inuit Busniit iluani Nunavumi Nunataagutainit (NSA). Inuit Busniit pitkuhimayut titigakhimalugit ilanganut Inuit Busniit Titigagutainik (IFR) Nunavut ...
  • GCPolicy notificationDirective on Government Contracts, Including Real Property Leases, in the Nunavut Settlement Area
    Purpose The purpose of Policy Notification (PN)-139 is to inform PWGSC Acquisitions Program (AP) contracting officers of the new Directive on Government Contracts Including Real Property Leases in the Nunavut Settlement Area (the Directive) and the ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemAboriginal Business Certification
    The Contractor warrants that its certification of compliance is accurate and complete and in accordance with the "Requirements for the Set-aside Program for Aboriginal Business" detailed in Annex 9.4 of the Supply Manual. The Contractor must keep proper ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemIndigenous Business Certification
    The Contractor warrants that its certification of compliance is accurate and complete and in accordance with the "Requirements for the Set-aside Program for Indigenous Business" detailed in Annex 9.4 of the Supply Manual. The Contractor must keep proper ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionDecision to set aside a procurement under the Procurement Strategy for Indigenous Business
    The decision to set aside a procurement under PSIB is the responsibility of the client department. There are two types of PSIB set-asides: Mandatory Set-Asides: It is mandatory to set aside a procurement under PSIB if an Indigenous population is the ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionCertifications, declarations and proofs
    Certifications, declarations and proofs are standalone documents that substantiate information submitted with a bid, offer or arrangement. Standalone documents are independent from requirements for bid evaluation but they are mandatory to finalize the bid ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionImplementation
    Since acquisitions from CORCAN are considered "transfers" of goods and services between federal organizations, they are not contracts within the meaning of the Government Contracts Regulations (GCRs) and the Directive on the Management of Procurement. The ...

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