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Showing items 2011 through 2020 of 6624 for DI.

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  • GCPolicy notificationDirective on Government Contracts, Including Real Property Leases, in the Nunavut Settlement Area (NSA)
    Purpose PN-139R1 replaces and supersedes PN-139. The purpose of Policy Notification (PN)-139R1 is to inform PWGSC Acquisitions Program (AP) contracting officers of the new clauses and templates drafted to support implementation of the Directive on ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemNunavut Directive: Disclosure of information
    The Contractor agrees that Canada may at any time disclose the Inuit Benefits Plan (IBP) and the IBP Progress Reports to third parties, including to Indigenous treaty rights-holders or their designated representatives, Parliamentary Committees, and to any ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemNunavut Directive: Registration on the Inuit Firm Registry (IFR)
    Only Bidders registered on the Inuit Firm Registry (IFR) may qualify for contract award. Bidders must be registered on the IFR_______ (insert("by bid closing" or " by___ (insert number of days) business days after bid closing”). If a bidder is not ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemNunavut Directive: Highest combined rating of Inuit Benefits Plan commitment, technical merit, and price – Limited to Inuit Firm Registry
    To be declared responsive, a bid must: comply with all the requirements of the bid solicitation; meet all mandatory criteria, including being registered on the Inuit Firm Registry (IFR); (if applicable, choose one of the options below) Option 1 obtain the ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionDivision of responsibilities regarding the translation of documents
    The division of responsibilities between Public Works and Government Services Canada  and client departments regarding the translation of documents is found at Section 3.1 of Annex 1.1.1 Matrix of responsibilities between Public Works and Government ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionBidding that is national in scope
    Acquisition Program (AP) contracting officers should be aware and take into consideration that the Official Languages Act (OLA) does not make a distinction regarding whether bidding is national in scope where procurement notices and related documents are ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionTendering from supplier lists
    In cases where all suppliers are pre-qualified in a two-stage tendering process (e.g. through a supply arrangement), and all have indicated the same (unilingual) language preference, Acquisition Program (AP) contracting officers may provide documents ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionStandard vs. non-standard documents
    The Official Languages Act (OLA) does not make the distinction regarding the nature of documents, and whether they are standard or non-standard. All documents must therefore be given the same consideration under the OLA. ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionProcurement best practices
    Ensure integrity Contracting officers must ensure the integrity of the procurement process. If there is any doubt that what is being done (or asked by the client to be done) might bring the integrity of the process into question, the contracting officer ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemNunavut Agreement: Invoicing instructions
    The Contractor must submit invoices in accordance with the section entitled "Invoice Submission" of the general conditions. Invoices cannot be submitted until all work identified in the invoice is completed. Instruction to contracting officers: Use the ...

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