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Showing items 1911 through 1920 of 6211 for DI.

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  • GCSACC Manual itemStandard Instructions- Request for Supply Arrangements- Goods or Services
    General information 01 Integrity provisions—arrangement 02 Procurement Business Number 03 Standard instructions, clauses and conditions 04 Definition of Supplier 05 Submission of arrangements 06 Late arrangements 07 Delayed arrangements 08 Transmission by ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemStandard Instructions- Request for Standing Offers- Goods or Services- Non-competitive Requirements
    General information 01 Integrity provisions—offer 02 Procurement Business Number 03 Standard instructions, clauses and conditions 04 Definition of Offeror 05 Submission of an offer 06 Legal capacity 07 Rejection of offer 08 Price justification 09 Offer ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemStandard Instructions- Request for Standing Offers- Goods or Services- Competitive Requirements
    General information 01 Integrity Provisions—offer 02 Procurement Business Number 03 Standard instructions, clauses and conditions 04 Definition of Offeror 05 Submission of offers 06 Late offers 07 Delayed offers 08 Transmission by facsimile or by epost ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemStandard Instructions- Goods or Services- Competitive Requirements
    01 Integrity provisions—bid 02 Procurement Business Number 03 Standard instructions, clauses and conditions 04 Definition of Bidder 05 Submission of bids 06 Late bids 07 Delayed bids 08 Transmission by facsimile or by epost Connect 09 Customs clearance 10 ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemOrigin of work
    Items will be manufactured at:________ (please indicate the complete address of the plant). The following suppliers/subcontractor(s) will be utilized in the performance of the contract: Name and address of supplier/subcontractor:________ Location where ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemStandard Instructions- Goods or Services- Non-competitive Requirements
    01 Integrity provisions—bid 02 Procurement Business Number 03 Standard instructions, clauses and conditions 04 Definition of Bidder 05 Submission of a bid 06 Legal capacity 07 Rejection of bid 08 Price justification 09 Bid costs 10 Joint venture 11 ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemOrigin of work
    Bidders must provide the name, address and country of manufacturers of the item(s), including subcontractors, to be utilized in the performance of the contract. This includes manufacturers and subcontractors that will be doing a portion of the work on the ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionFirm Price Contracts- Price Certification and Discretionary Audit
    All non-competitive firm price contracts valued over $50,000 whether for the acquisition of commercial or non-commercial goods and services require the submission of a price certification by the contractor. All such contracts must also have a ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionTransportation Costs Information
    The Incoterms 2000 " FCA Free Carrier (...named place)" must be used in all Department of National Defence (DND) sole source contracts, all repair and overhaul contracts where transportation is not part of the competitive bid, and in all United States (U ...
  • GCPageQ&As related to COVID-19 Call to Suppliers
    Q&As relating to COVID-19 Call to Suppliers We are providing answers to the most frequently asked questions we’ve received regarding the Government of Canada’s call for emergency goods and services in response to COVID-19. If you don’t find the answer ...

Procurement data carries an Open Government Licence - Canada that governs its use. Please refer to the section about Commercial Reproduction in the Terms and Conditions for more information.