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Showing items 411 through 420 of 426 for C2.

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  • GCPolicy notificationShipping Instructions and Invoicing Clauses- Update
    Introduction The purpose of Policy Notification (PN)-62U is to update Incoterms 2000 and other miscellaneous shipping instructions, and related invoicing clauses. PN-62 was originally promulgated in May 2003 to introduce shipping clauses which use the ...
  • GCPolicy notificationShipping Instructions for Certain DND Requirements- Incoterms 2000
    An agreement-in-principle was reached between officials of the Department of National Defence (DND) and Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) to use the Incoterm "FCA Free Carrier (... named place)", whenever possible, rather than Free on ...
  • GCPolicy notificationDND Shipping Instructions – Update to clause D0035C
    Introduction The purpose of Policy Notification (PN) 62U3 is to update the Department of National Defence (DND) shipping instructions detailed in Standard Acquisitions Clauses and Conditions (SACC) Manual clause D0035C. The Inbound Logistics United ...
  • GCPolicy notificationDND Shipping Instructions and Customs Clauses- Update
    Introduction The purpose of Policy Notification (PN) 62U2 is to update the Department of National Defence (DND) shipping instructions and customs clauses detailed in Standard Acquisitions Clauses and Conditions (SACC) Manual clauses (C2608D, D0035D, ...
  • GCPolicy notificationDefence Supplies Remission Order
    1. The simplified Customs Tariff and the related Customs Act amendments are effective from January 1, 1998. 2. The Government has introduced a new tariff with a single, consolidated schedule to replace the seven previous schedules. The customs legislation ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemCanadian Customs Documentation
    General The Contractor must provide two (2) copies of the Canada Customs Invoice (CCI) or two (2) copies of the commercial invoice marked "For Customs Purposes Only". For shipments from the United States and Mexico that are of American, Mexican or ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemDND Shipping Instructions- Foreign Military Sales
    Carrier selection for shipments of the material supplied on this Foreign Military Sales case is the responsibility of Canada. Instructions on how to obtain carrier selection from Canada is contained in United States Department of Defense 4000.25-8-M, ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemDND Shipping Instructions- International- Delivery at Origin
    For contracts let on behalf of the Department of National Defence, delivery shall be FCA Free Carrier_________ (Insert the named place, e.g. Contractor's Facility) Incoterms 2000, and onward shipment from the delivery point to the consignee shall be the ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemLimitation of Expenditure
    Canada's liability to the Contractor under this Contract shall not exceed $_____, unless otherwise authorized in writing by the Minister. The Contractor shall not be obliged to perform any work or provide any service that would cause the total liability of ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemPrice (Ceiling)
    The price specified of $_____ for the Work is a ceiling price and is subject to downward adjustment so as not to exceed the actual charges and costs reasonably incurred in the performance of the Work and computed in accordance with the basis of payment. ...

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