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  • GCSACC Manual itemAuthorization for Delivery
    The consignee shall request delivery of goods/services on form DSS-MAS 942, Call-Up Against a Standing Offer, or by other methods such as telephone, telex or telegram. ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemEstimated Hours of Service
    1. Please refer to Annex "__" for a breakdown of the requirement and the estimated hours, per location. 2. This is an ESTIMATION only of the total service required and is intended to be a general guide to Offerors in planning their costing submission. The ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemSafety Glasses
    To supply both prescription and non-prescription safety glasses and slip-on cases to members of divisions of the National Research Council of Canada, located in the Ottawa area. The lenses are to be hardened after prescription grinding. Safety glasses must ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemCall-ups
    Call-ups against the Standing Offer are to be made or confirmed on DSS-MAS Form 942. Individual call-ups shall not exceed $_____ ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemStanding Offers (Multiple)
    1. The Offeror agrees and accepts that its agent(s) listed on this Standing Offer may represent the holder of a Standing Offer other than itself. The Offeror further agrees and accepts that its prices, along with those prices offered by those other ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemStandard Instructions and Conditions- Standing Offers
    9403-6 (_________) (Insert the date), Standard Instructions and Conditions- Standing Offers, are incorporated by reference into and form part of this document. Use the following clause in Requests for a Standing Offer (RFSO) and in Standing Offer and Call ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemForeign Exchange Fluctuations
    1. The price(s) in Canadian funds include(s) foreign currency component(s) in respect of goods and/or services originating outside Canada as detailed in form DSS-MAS 9411, Claim for Exchange Rate Adjustments, which forms part of this Contract. 2. The price ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemForeign Exchange Fluctuations
    1. The price(s) in Canadian funds include(s) foreign currency component(s) in respect of goods and services originating outside of Canada as detailed in form DSS-MAS 9411, Claim for Exchange Rate Adjustments, which forms part of this Contract. 2. The ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemForeign Exchange Fluctuations
    1. The price(s) in Canadian funds include(s) foreign currency component(s) in respect of goods and/or services originating outside of Canada as detailed in form DSS-MAS 9411, Claim for Exchange Rates Adjustments, which forms part of this Contract. 2. The ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemForeign Exchange Fluctuations
    1. The price in Canadian funds includes a foreign currency component in respect of goods and/or services originating outside of Canada as detailed in form DSS-MAS 9411, Claim for Exchange Rates Adjustments, which forms part of this Contract. 2. The foreign ...

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