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  • GCSupply Manual sectionSupply Arrangement procedures
    Before establishing a supply arrangement (SA), the contracting officer will prepare and issue an RFSA, which will allow for a suitable pool of suppliers who meet the stated evaluation criteria. Industrial security requirements (that is, personnel, ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemSet-aside under the Procurement Strategy for Indigenous Business
    This procurement is set aside under the federal government Procurement Strategy for Indigenous Business. For more information on Indigenous business requirements of the Set-aside Program for Indigenous Business see Annex 9.4 of the Supply Manual. ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemNunavut Directive: Highest combined rating of Inuit Benefits Plan commitment, technical merit, and price – Limited to Inuit Firm Registry
    To be declared responsive, a bid must: comply with all the requirements of the bid solicitation; meet all mandatory criteria, including being registered on the Inuit Firm Registry (IFR); (if applicable, choose one of the options below) Option 1 obtain the ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemNunavut Directive: Highest combined rating of Inuit Benefits Plan commitment, technical merit, and price – not limited to Inuit Firm Registry
    To be declared responsive, a bid must: comply with all the requirements of the bid solicitation; meet all mandatory criteria; (if applicable, choose one of the options below) Option 1 obtain the required minimum of____ (insert minimum number of points) ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemOwner Certification- Set-aside for Indigenous Business
    If requested by the Supply Arrangement Authority, the Supplier must provide the following certification for each owner who is Indigenous: I am an owner of___________ (insert name of business), and an Indigenous person, as defined in Annex 9.4 of the ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemOwner Certification- Set-aside for Indigenous Business
    If requested by the Standing Offer Authority, the Offeror must provide the following certification for each owner who is Indigenous: I am an owner of____________ (insert name of business) and an Indigenous person, as defined in Annex 9.4, of the Supply ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionDetermining coverage under a trade agreement
    Determine the value of the requisition. A procurement may be subject to a trade agreement if the estimated value in Canadian dollars (including options and applicable taxes) is equal to or greater than the applicable threshold. Current trade agreement ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionAnnex: Procurement Strategy for Indigenous Business set-aside checklist
    Has the client indicated that the requirement has been set aside? (See 9.40.1 Decision to Set Aside a Procurement under the Procurement Strategy for Indigenous Business) If no, and: The procurement is destined primarily for Indigenous populations, and ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionAnnex: Requirements for the Set-aside Program for Indigenous Business
    (See 9.40.45 Certification by Suppliers) Who is eligible? An Indigenous business, which can be: a band as defined by the Indian Act a sole proprietorship a limited company a co-operative a partnership a not-for-profit organization in which Indigenous ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionAudits of the bidder/offeror/supplier certification
    A bidder/offeror/supplier is required to certify in its bid/offer/arrangement that it is an Indigenous business, as defined under PSIB (see Annex 9.4: Requirements for the Set-aside Program for Indigenous Business.) The certification includes an ...

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