
Attention! CanadaBuys is the new official source for Government of Canada tender and award notices. This means you can now search for and bid on tender opportunities posted on CanadaBuys.

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  • GCPageProcurement Assistance Canada Regional Offices
    Note: The Office of Small and Medium Enterprises has changed its name to Procurement Assistance Canada. For general information on Procurement Assistance Canada, on how to do business with the government, or to register as a supplier, please contact: ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionAnnex: List of Public Works and Government Services Canada allocations units
    The door number of the National Capital Region (NCR) Centralized Allocation Module office has been changed and the fax number where requisition forms (9200) were received has been deleted. All requests must now be sent by email to: ...
  • GCPagePWGSC Regional Offices: Quebec Region
    PANDEMIC SITUATION Due to the ongoing and evolving COVID-19 outbreak, where possible, suppliers are encouraged to submit bids electronically using the Canada Post epost Connect application. This service allows suppliers to submit bids, offers and ...
  • GCGSIN Food Preparation and Serving Equipment
    7300: Food Preparation and Serving Equipment
    Procurement Division Code
    Not applicable
  • GCGSIN Food Preparation and Serving Equipment
    7300: Food Preparation and Serving Equipment
    Procurement Division Code
    Not applicable
  • GCPolicy notificationClient Requisition Checklist of clients request, Acknowledgement of Requisition Receipt Process and implementation of new Services Standards
    Introduction The purpose of Policy Notification 99 is to notify contracting officers of the following: A new Requisition Checklist (PWGSC-TPSGC 195) for clients; A new process for acknowledgement of requisition receipt; and The implementation of new ...

Procurement data carries an Open Government Licence - Canada that governs its use. Please refer to the section about Commercial Reproduction in the Terms and Conditions for more information.