PWGSC Regional Offices: Quebec Region

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Due to the ongoing and evolving COVID-19 outbreak, where possible, suppliers are encouraged to submit bids electronically using the Canada Post epost Connect application. This service allows suppliers to submit bids, offers and arrangements electronically to PSPC Bid Receiving Units. Instructions for using E-Post are included in solicitations. The Bid Receiving Units for the Quebec Region has limited hours : Thursdays from 10 am to 2 pm (EDT). The health and safety of staff and suppliers remains our top priority. As such, measures are being taken on site to encourage social distancing.

If your company is located in Quebec, you will probably deal with the Quebec Region of PSPC. It buys goods, services and construction for federal departments and agencies throughout the province except for Gatineau.

Its top clients are Public Services and Procurement Canada, National Defence, Fisheries and Oceans, and Canadian Space Agency.

For more information on the Quebec Region and its activities, please contact your nearest Public Services and Procurement Canada office.


Please contact:
Procurement Assistance Canada (PAC)

Place Bonaventure, Northwest Portal
800 de la Gauchetière Street West,
South-west door, 7th floor, suite 7300
Montréal QC H5A 1L6

Telephone: 514-210-5770

If you are a client (departments and agencies) or supplier, please contact:

Quebec Region Acquisitions Directorate
by email at:

If you are looking for GCSurplus, please contact by:

Telephone : 1-844-991-1385
Email :

Our offices addresses:

Acquisitions, PAC
Public Services and Procurement Canada
Place Bonaventure, South-West Portal, 7th Floor
800 de la Gauchetière Street West, Suite 7300
Montreal (QC), H5A 1L6

Quebec City
Public Services and Procurement Canada
1550 d’Estimauville Avenue, 6th floor
Quebec City (QC), G1J 0C7