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Showing items 11 through 20 of 230 for 70.

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  • GCPageThe Applicable Rates for Profit Determination Table
    The following table includes the current rates to be applied in the Capital Employed (Section 5.2.1) factors of the Profit Principles for negotiated pricing. The rates to be used in the profit determination for contracts starting July 2023 and onwards ...
  • GCTable of contentsSupply Manual
    The Supply Manual- Version 2023-2, effective date 2023-06-08, contains policies and procedures, as well as references to acts and directives, for the procurement of goods, services and construction. It is intended primarily for the use of Public Works and ...
  • GCContent pageSupply Manual Synopsis
    The Supply Manual synopsis is a summary of the changes that were introduced in the latest version of the Supply Manual. The synopsis is identified by a version number consisting of four digits representing the calendar year and a sequence number. For ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionCost reimbursable
    The Practitioner’s Guide for Procurement Pricing, Section 4.1.3 Cost Reimbursable, provides further guidance on the decision process, procedures and examples for use of this basis of payment type. A cost reimbursable basis of payment provides for the ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemAward fees
    The performance criteria for unearned award fees may be modified during the Contract at the discretion of Canada. Any unearned award fees are not payable in the event that the Contract is terminated in full, or in part, for convenience by Canada, mutual ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemSchedule performance incentives
    The performance criteria for unearned incentive fees may be modified during the Contract at the discretion of Canada. Unearned incentive fees are not payable in the event that the Contract is terminated in full, or in part, for convenience by Canada, ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemTechnical performance incentives
    The performance criteria for unearned incentive fees may be modified during the Contract at the discretion of Canada. Unearned incentive fees are not payable in the event that the Contract is terminated in full, or in part, for convenience by Canada, ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemCost reimbursable with target cost/incentive fee: Maximum price
    The Contractor will be paid for its costs reasonably and properly incurred in the performance of the Work, in accordance with a formula to share in cost savings or in costs exceeding the target cost up to the maximum price of $_______ (maximum price that ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemCost Reimbursable with Target Cost/Incentive Fee: No Maximum Price but with Changing Share Ratio
    The Contractor will be paid for its costs reasonably and properly incurred in the performance of the Work, in accordance with a formula to share in cost savings or in costs exceeding the target cost. The target cost is $_______. The target profit is $____ ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemCost reimbursable with target cost/incentive fee: No maximum price but with maximum and minimum fees
    The Contractor will be paid for its costs reasonably and properly incurred in the performance of the Work, in accordance with a formula to share in cost savings or in costs exceeding the target cost. The target cost is $_______. The target profit is $____ ...

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