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Showing items 1121 through 1130 of 1348 for 30.

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  • GCSACC Manual itemGeneral Conditions- Goods or Services (Low Dollar Value)
    Public Works and Government Services Canada 01 Interpretation 02 Standard Clauses and Conditions 03 Status of the Contractor 04 Condition of Material 05 Inspection, Acceptance and Warranty 06 Invoice Submission 07 Taxes 08 Transportation Costs 09 Shipment ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGeneral Conditions- Higher Complexity- Goods
    Public Works and Government Services Canada 01 Interpretation 02 Standard Clauses and Conditions 03 Powers of Canada 04 Status of the Contractor 05 Conduct of the Work 06 Subcontracts 07 Specifications 08 Condition of Material 09 Replacement of Specific ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGeneral Conditions- Higher Complexity- Services
    Public Works and Government Services Canada 01 Interpretation 02 Standard Clauses and Conditions 03 Powers of Canada 04 Status of the Contractor 05 Conduct of the Work 06 Subcontracts 07 Specifications 08 Replacement of Specific Individuals 09 Time of the ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGeneral Conditions- Research & Development
    Public Works and Government Services Canada 01 Interpretation 02 Standard Clauses and Conditions 03 Powers of Canada 04 Status of the Contractor 05 Conduct of the Work 06 Subcontracts 07 Specifications 08 Condition of Material 09 Replacement of Specific ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemSupply Arrangement Reporting
    The Supplier must compile and maintain records on its provision of goods, services or both to the federal government under contracts resulting from the Supply Arrangement. This data must include all purchases ordered, including purchases paid for by a ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemReplacement of Personnel
    The Contractor shall provide the services of (insert name or names) and any additional employees necessary to perform the Work and provide the services required under this Contract, unless the Contractor is unable to do so for reasons beyond the control of ...
  • GCPolicy notificationVendor Performance Policy (now the Vendor Performance Corrective Measure Policy)
    Introduction: This replaces Policy Notification PN-11R1 of November 4, 2010 in its entirety. Policy Notification PN-11R2 updates the 1996 version of the Vendor Performance Policy (VPP) and PN-11R1. These policy notifications clarify the purpose and scope ...
  • GCPolicy notificationContract Approval and Signing Authority Limits- Revised Construction and Architectural and Engineering Limits
    Introduction The purpose of Policy Notification (PN)-87U is to update the authority limits for Construction and Architectural and Engineering Services. Background Temporary authority limits were provided for Construction and Architectural and Engineering ...
  • GCPolicy notificationNational Security Indicator in Automated Buyer Environment- Active- Policy Notifications
    Introduction The purpose of Policy Notification PN-98 is to reiterate the importance of accurate reporting and to clarify the function of the National Security Indicator in the Automated Buyer Environment (ABE) Procurement Summary. Effective Date This PN ...
  • GCPolicy notificationContracts with Task Authorizations
    Introduction The purpose of Policy Notification (PN)-75R1 is to provide new direction to procurement personnel regarding contracts with task authorizations. The revised approach introduces new tools and guidelines and includes changes to the Supply Manual ...

Procurement data carries an Open Government Licence - Canada that governs its use. Please refer to the section about Commercial Reproduction in the Terms and Conditions for more information.