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Showing items 411 through 420 of 436 for 2000.

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  • GCSACC Manual itemMillenium Waranty Clause
    1. The Supplier warrants that all hardware, software and/or firmware products delivered or developed: (a) individually, or (b) in combination as an integrated system under the Contract or Prime Contract shall meet or operate in accordance with the ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGeneral Conditions "C"
    Public Works and Government Services Canada GC 1 Interpretation GC 2 Successors and Assigns GC 3 Assignment of Contract GC 4 Subcontracting by Contractor GC 5 Amendments GC 6 No Implied Obligations GC 7 Time of the Essence GC 8 Indemnification by ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemDeclaration Form
    This Request for Proposal (RFP) Declaration Form must form part of any proposal. Failure to include such representation and warranty with the proposal by executing the signature block below will render the proposal as non-responsive. The completed form ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemDeclaration Form
    This Request for Proposal (RFP) Declaration Form must form part of any proposal. Failure to include such representation and warranty with the proposal by executing the signature block below will render the proposal as non-responsive. The completed form ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemPackaging Specs- Insert Type Folders
    Maximum quantities per boxed unit, according to type of insert, will be as follows: 2 folds (4 thicknesses): 1,000 per unit 1 fold (2 thicknesses): 2,000 per unit single thickness (paper stock): 4,000 per unit single thickness (card stock): 2,000 per unit ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemShipping
    The following MUST be observed: a) ALL boxes must be shipped on wooden skids, each with a wooden top strapped to it. b) ALL skids are to be of uniform size and WILL NOT be more than 60 in. in length. c) ALL skids must have the same number of boxes. d) NO ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemY2000 Warranty- Services Not Directly Related to IT Procurements
    1. The Contractor warrants that the deliverables resulting from the services provided under this Contract shall meet the contractual requirement so that the deliverables (as evidenced during acceptance tests, as applicable) accurately and automatically ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemY2000 Warranty- Goods
    1. The Contractor warrants that: a) all hardware, software and/or firmware products delivered individually, or b) hardware, software and firmware products delivered in combination as an integrated system under this Contract, as the case may be, shall meet ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemY2000 Warranty- Facility Management or Outsourcing
    1. The Contractor warrants that all hardware, software and firmware products which may be delivered to Canada and/or utilize by the Contractor to perform services under this Contract shall meet the contractual requirement so as to accurately and ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemY2000 Warranty- System Integration
    1. The Contractor warrants that all hardware, software and firmware products delivered or developed and any deliverables resulting from the services provided, as an integrated system, shall meet or operate as per the contractual requirement (as evidenced ...

Procurement data carries an Open Government Licence - Canada that governs its use. Please refer to the section about Commercial Reproduction in the Terms and Conditions for more information.