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Showing items 381 through 390 of 436 for 2000.

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  • GCPolicy notificationDND Shipping Instructions and Customs Clauses- Update
    Introduction The purpose of Policy Notification (PN) 62U2 is to update the Department of National Defence (DND) shipping instructions and customs clauses detailed in Standard Acquisitions Clauses and Conditions (SACC) Manual clauses (C2608D, D0035D, ...
  • GCPolicy notificationCanada-Korea Procurement of Telecommunications Equipment Agreement (CKTEA)
    The CKTEA is a bilateral agreement between Canada and Korea which covers federal government procurement of telecommunications goods and incidental services (services included in goods contracts). The CKTEA was signed in early July 1999. The Policy ...
  • GCPolicy notificationShipbuilding, Repair, Refit and Modernization Policy
    On December 19, 1996, Minister Diane Marleau, with Mr. André Lafond, President of the Shipbuilding Association of Canada, announced amendments to the PWGSC policy on Ship Repair, Refit and Modernization which will promote greater competition for federal ...
  • GCPolicy notificationRevised Contract Entry and Amendment Authorities
    On July 2, the Minister approved a new Departmental Delegation of Authority framework. The new delegation reflects significant changes in contract and contract amendment authorities which will be effective July 17, 1998. This Policy Notification details ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGeneral Instructions to Bidders
    GI01 Code of Conduct for Procurement GI02 Preparation of Bid GI03 Identity or Legal Capacity of the Bidder GI04 Goods and Services Tax/Harmonized Sales Tax GI05 Quebec Sales Tax GI06 Listing of Subcontractors and Suppliers GI07 Bid Security Requirements ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGeneral Instructions to Bidders
    GI01 Code of Conduct for Procurement GI02 Completion of Bid GI03 Identity or Legal Capacity of the Bidder GI04 Goods and Services Tax/Harmonized Sales Tax GI05 Quebec Sales Tax GI06 Capital Development and Redevelopment Charges GI07 Registry and Pre ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGeneral Instructions to Proponents (GI)
    GI1 Code of Conduct for Procurement GI2 Definitions GI3 Overview of Selection Procedure GI4 Procurement Business Number GI5 Responsive Proposals GI6 Completion of Submission GI7 Proposal Price GI8 Communications- Solicitation Period GI9 Limitation of ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGeneral Instructions to Proponents (GI)
    GI1 Code of Conduct for Procurement GI2 Definitions GI3 Overview of Selection Procedure GI4 Procurement Business Number GI5 Responsive Proposals GI6 Completion of Submission GI7 Proposal Price GI8 Communications- Solicitation Period GI9 Limitation of ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGovernment Property- Alternate II
    The following replaces paragraphs (c) and (g) of clause Z0801C. Title to Government property. The U.S. Government shall retain title to all Government- furnished property. All Government-furnished property and all property acquired by the Contractor, ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemCanadian Customs Documentation
    General The Contractor must provide two (2) copies of the Canada Customs Invoice (CCI) or two (2) copies of the commercial invoice marked "For Customs Purposes Only". For shipments from the United States and Mexico that are of American, Mexican or ...

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