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  • GCSupply Manual sectionFinancial Security Issues related to Amendments
    Before authorizing any material changes in contract conditions, contracting officers should ensure that such changes do not invalidate security obligations by obtaining the consent of the surety company. "Material changes" means any change to the contract ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionClaims for Progress Payment and Invoicing
    No payment, other than a progress payment, may be made under a contract unless a person authorized by the appropriate minister certifies that: the work has been performed; the goods have been supplied or the services rendered as the case may be; and the ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionIssuance of Supply Arrangements and Standing Offers
    Following a Request for Standing Offers (RFSO) or a Request for Supply Arrangements (RFSA) process, an authorization document is issued, which gives contracting officers and client departments, when applicable, the authority to use the instrument. For ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionTransmission by Facsimile
    Contracting officers should consult the applicable SACC Manual standard instructions on transmission by facsimile for bids/offers/arrangements. To ensure that official receipt time-keeping equipment represents the correct time, the specified Bid Receiving ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionDefence Production Act
    The Defence Production Act (DPA) gives the Minister of PWGSC the responsibility to administer the DPA and the exclusive authority to buy or otherwise acquire defence supplies and construct defence projects required by the Department of National Defence, ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionSupply Manual Format
    Each chapter refers to particular subjects by heading, and subsequent sub-heading numbers. Each chapter also commences with a Table of Contents and concludes with annexes specific to that chapter. Subjects are numbered as they appear in the chapters, i.e. ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionRoles and Memorandum of Understanding
    Contracting officers should consider client department memorandums of understanding (MOUs) when determining roles and responsibilities in the planning and management of procurements. Contracting officers shoud consult Annex 1.1: Matrix of Responsibilities ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionConditions of Use
    (a) Contracts with task authorizations that are improperly used can lead to major problems between the government and its suppliers, between PWGSC and its clients, and for the government in the eyes of the public. When a contract with TA s is being ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionDocumenting the Procurement File
    When the decision is made to proceed with an ACAN, contracting officers are required to document the procurement file with the actions taken in each phase of the ACAN process. Procurement files must include documentation of the following justifications, ...
  • GCSupply Manual sectionAdvance Contract Award Notice Time Limit
    Although ACAN s are posted for a minimum of 15 calendar days on GETS, the contracting officer should consider a longer posting period based on the individual circumstances for each procurement. In determining the ACAN time limit, contracting officers must ...

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