Underwear and Nightwear, Men's
- GSIN Code
- 8420
- GSIN Description
- Underwear and Nightwear, Men's
- GSIN Category
- Goods
- GSIN Group Description
- Clothing, Individual Equipment and Insignia
- GSIN Code Status
- Not applicable
GSIN direct descendents
Code | Title |
N8420 | Underwear and Nightwear, Men's |
N8420A | Nightwear (mens) |
N8420B | Underwear, Mens (except clothing, special purpose) |
N8420C | Undergarment, includes Removable Semi-Rigid Hip Protectors, Men's |
N8420AA | Pyjamas |
N8420BA | Drawers, Mens, Shorts, Woven Fabric |
N8420BB | Underwear, Kit, Thermal |
N8420BC | Underwear, Knit, Singlet Type, Shirts and Shorts, except DND |
N8420BD | Underwear, Briefs, only, Knit, Cotton Blends, excluding Thermal |
N8420BE | Underwear, Tops only, Knit, Cotton Blends, excluding Thermal |
Contact for this GSIN Code
There is no available contact for this GSIN code.