Here are the methods for selecting contractors most common at PWGSC:
Table of Contents
- Selection on the basis of the lowest price
- Selection on the basis of best overall value
- Selection on the basis of the highest technical proposal within a stipulated budget
- For more information
Selection on the basis of the lowest price
- Only those proposals that meet the mandatory criteria are deemed to be valid (i.e., qualify for further consideration).
- Within this category of valid proposals, price is the determining factor in selection.
- The difference between the successful and unsuccessful bidder could be as little as 5 cents, which is why you should be as competitive as possible in your pricing.
Selection on the basis of best overall value
- The requirements usually include mandatory and point-rated criteria.
- A point-rating scale is developed and selection is often based on the bidder offering the lowest compliant cost-per-point proposal. This is determined by dividing the bid price by the total points achieved in the technical evaluation of the bidder’s proposal.
- Other methods, besides cost-per-point, may also be used to determine best overall value. The method being used will be set out in the solicitation document.
Selection on the basis of the highest technical proposal within a stipulated budget
- This method is used when seeking the best possible technical solution within a stipulated budget.
- A supplier is invited to propose a solution to a problem or a method of achieving an objective.
For more information
For more information, please see the PWGSC Supply Manual, Chapter 5: Section 5.35 Evaluating the Bids