Snapshot of SOSA data

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Our snapshot of SOSA data will help you quickly find key information about our active standing offers and supply arrangements. Use keywords and filters to search for a standing offer or supply arrangement for the good or service you want to buy or sell, and when they expire. Once you have found a standing offer or supply arrangement of interest, click the agreement number to get more details, such as the supplier name and end user.

If you are new to our standing offers and supply arrangements, visit Get Started with SOSA to learn more.

SOSA is also available as an open data file

The snapshot contains the same information as the current open SOSA dataset of Public Services and Procurement Canada pre-qualified suppliers. SOSA data are available in Comma Separated Values (CSV) file format and can be downloaded to sort, filter, and search information contained in SOSA records. This data is in machine-readable format, and can be freely shared, used and built upon by citizens, the private sector and non-government organizations to leverage the data in innovative and value-added ways. Download SOSA data.

For more information

For more information, please contact the national Infoline at 1-800-811-1148. The line is staffed Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 17:00 Eastern Standard/Daylight time. You may also send your questions via our Web form found on the Contact Us page.

Search options

Expiry date Start date Description Region of delivery Agreement type Agreement number
2026-06-30 2021-06-29 Media Monitoring Services. Legacy agreement: J&A MEDIA SERVICES (EN578-191713/003/CY).
(Public relations and professional communications services)
  • Canada
SA CW2240823-ACM_157956253
2025-03-31 2022-04-19 W0106-21S022 - RISO Bulk oils and lubricants. Legacy agreement: PAQUET & FILS LTéE (CW2256435-ACM_187987567).
(Lubricants and oils and greases and anti corrosives)
  • Quebec
RISO CW2257240-ACM_187987567
2028-09-29 2023-10-12 EN578-232335/088/SMS Cogniva Information Solutions Inc. (MAESTRO AI). Legacy agreement: COGNIVA INFORMATION SOLUTIONS INC (CW2309422-ACM_162000693).
  • Canada
SA CW2333476-ACM_162000693
2026-01-01 2020-09-04 OFFICE SEATING /Fauteuils de Bureau (Furniture). Legacy agreement number: E60PQ-120001/088/PQ. Legacy agreement: E3 OFFICE FURNITURE & INTERIORS INC (CW2221963-ACM_154691768).
(Accommodation furniture)
  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Manitoba
  • National Capital Region
  • Newfoundland and Labrador
  • New Brunswick
  • Nova Scotia
  • Ontario
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Quebec
  • Saskatchewan
SA CW2228467-ACM_154691768
2026-06-30 2021-06-29 Media Monitoring Services. Legacy agreement: MIREMS LTD (EN578-191713/004/CY).
(Public relations and professional communications services)
  • Canada
SA CW2240826-ACM_157816640
2027-06-30 2022-06-22 Biosafety Cabinets (Instruments and Laboratory Equipment). Legacy agreement: NUAIRE (6D063-213380/001/STN).
(Laboratory and scientific equipment)
  • Manitoba
RISO CW2258488-ACM_172495617
2028-09-29 2023-10-10 EN578-232335/089/SMS The IT Broker Inc. (Cygna Labs). Legacy agreement: THE IT BROKER INC (CW2309422-ACM_159337790).
  • Canada
SA CW2333487-ACM_159337790
2025-03-31 2021-10-01 2021 A/V Equipment and Services (Communication, Detection, and Coherent Radiation Equipment). Legacy agreement number: E60HN-21AVSO/001/HN. Legacy agreement: 3 D DATACOMM INC (CW2229189-ACM_162691181).
(Audio and visual presentation and composing equipment)
  • Newfoundland and Labrador
  • New Brunswick
  • Nova Scotia
  • Prince Edward Island
NMSO CW2229192-ACM_162691181
2026-06-30 2022-03-02 Media Monitoring Services (Communication, Photographic, Mapping, Printing and Publication Services). Legacy agreement: MEDIAMISER LTD (EN578-191713/005/CY).
(Public relations and professional communications services)
  • Canada
SA CW2240829-ACM_158003665
2027-06-30 2022-06-22 Biosafety Cabinets (Instruments and Laboratory Equipment). Legacy agreement: FISHER SCIENTIFIC (LABORATORY EQUIPMENT) (6D063-213380/002/STN).
(Laboratory and scientific equipment)
  • Manitoba
RISO CW2258491-ACM_153973454

Result pages for Snapshot of SOSA data

Expiry date Start date Description Region of delivery Agreement type Agreement number
2026-06-30 2024-03-01 Advertising Creative Services. Legacy agreement: AGENCY59 LTD (CW2241468-ACM_172690197).
  • Canada
DISO CW2351923-ACM_172690197
2026-03-31 2024-06-13 021_JLCGroup_Graphic Design SO. Legacy agreement: JLC GROUP (CW2361607-ACM_186042413).
(Graphic design)
  • Ontario
NMSO CW2364818-ACM_186042413
2028-03-31 2023-06-15 Human resources services EN578-172870. Legacy agreement: TALENT TRANSFORMATION GROUP INC (CW2249821-ACM_161751610).
(Human resources services)
  • National Capital Region
SA CW2318655-ACM_161751610
2026-06-30 2024-03-01 Advertising Creative Services. Legacy agreement: QUILLER & BLAKE ADVERTISING LTD (CW2241468-ACM_153931711).
  • Canada
DISO CW2351925-ACM_153931711
2026-03-31 2024-06-13 022_Kameleons_Graphic Design SO. Legacy agreement: KAMéLéONS & CIE SOLUTIONS DESIGN INC (CW2361607-ACM_166727571).
(Graphic design)
  • Ontario
NMSO CW2364820-ACM_166727571
2024-10-31 2020-05-01 Online News Database (Communication, Photographic, Mapping, Printing and Publication Services). Legacy agreement number: EN578-203320/001/CY. Legacy agreement: MELTWATER (CW2240291-ACM_173734601).
(Computer services)
  • Canada
NMSO CW2240842-ACM_173734601
2028-03-31 2020-06-10 Human resources services. Legacy agreement: CLOUD SYNAPPS INC (CW2249821-ACM_156715696).
(Human resources services)
  • National Capital Region
SA CW2250403-ACM_156715696
2028-03-31 2023-06-15 Human resources services EN578-172870. Legacy agreement: DIGITAL CUBE CONSULTING INC (CW2249821-ACM_174680363).
(Human resources services)
  • National Capital Region
SA CW2318672-ACM_174680363
2026-06-30 2024-03-01 Advertising Creative Services. Legacy agreement: ACCURATE DESIGN & COMMUNICATION INC (CW2241468-ACM_148119593).
  • Canada
DISO CW2351931-ACM_148119593
2026-03-31 2024-06-13 023_Karianne_Graphic Design SO. Legacy agreement: KARIANNE BLANK CONSULTANCY (CW2361607-ACM_154765919).
(Graphic design)
  • Ontario
NMSO CW2364822-ACM_154765919

Result pages for Snapshot of SOSA data