Snapshot of SOSA data

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New! The Supplier Contract History Letter has been redirected to a new location on CanadaBuys’ website.

Our snapshot of SOSA data will help you quickly find key information about our active standing offers and supply arrangements. Use keywords and filters to search for a standing offer or supply arrangement for the good or service you want to buy or sell, and when they expire. Once you have found a standing offer or supply arrangement of interest, click the agreement number to get more details, such as the supplier name and end user.

If you are new to our standing offers and supply arrangements, visit Get Started with SOSA to learn more.

SOSA is also available as an open data file

The snapshot contains the same information as the current open SOSA dataset of Public Services and Procurement Canada pre-qualified suppliers. SOSA data are available in Comma Separated Values (CSV) file format and can be downloaded to sort, filter, and search information contained in SOSA records. This data is in machine-readable format, and can be freely shared, used and built upon by citizens, the private sector and non-government organizations to leverage the data in innovative and value-added ways. Download SOSA data.

For more information

For more information, please contact the national Infoline at 1-800-811-1148. The line is staffed Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 17:00 Eastern Standard/Daylight time. You may also send your questions via our Web form found on the Contact Us page.

Search options

Expiry date Start date Description Region of delivery Agreement type Agreement number
2025-03-31 2024-03-21 CW2353718 W0142-24X011 Light Vehicle Rentals Enterprise RISO
(Passenger transport)
  • Alberta
RISO CW2353718-ACM_150609542
2028-09-30 2024-05-13 PSPC CLOUD METHOD OF SUPPLY - Data Centre Intelligence Inc (F5 Networks Inc) (EN578-191593/037/ESS)
  • National Capital Region
SA CW2361541-ACM_169846107
2027-07-05 2024-07-05 Workspaces SA - E60PQ-140003-119 - TRIUM MOBILIER DE BUREAU INC
(Accommodation furniture)
  • Canada
SA CW2366493-ACM_168306040
2027-07-05 2024-07-05 Workspaces SA - E60PQ-140003-047 - Nitam Solutions Inc
(Accommodation furniture)
  • Canada
SA CW2366612-ACM_150823224
2028-09-30 2024-07-15 PSPC CLOUD METHOD OF SUPPLY - Data Centre Intelligence Inc (TRM Labs Inc) (EN578-191593/041)
  • National Capital Region
SA CW2368035-ACM_169846107
2028-09-30 2024-07-22 PSPC CLOUD METHOD OF SUPPLY - iPSS Inc (elasticsearch B. V.) (EN578-191593/045)
(Information Technology Service Delivery)
  • National Capital Region
SA CW2368837-ACM_176500691
2029-04-22 2024-07-30 Accara IT Services Mandatory Commodity - Video Surveillance Supply Arrangement E60HN-24VSSA
(Security surveillance and detection)
  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Manitoba
  • National Capital Region
  • Newfoundland and Labrador
  • New Brunswick
  • Northwest Territories
  • Nova Scotia
  • Ontario
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Quebec
  • Saskatchewan
  • Yukon
SA CW2369940-ACM_161108342
2029-04-22 2024-07-30 Mandatory Commodity - Video Surveillance Supply Arrangement E60HN-24VSSA
(Security surveillance and detection)
  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Manitoba
  • National Capital Region
  • Newfoundland and Labrador
  • New Brunswick
  • Northwest Territories
  • Nova Scotia
  • Ontario
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Quebec
  • Saskatchewan
  • Yukon
SA CW2369972-ACM_189313617
2029-04-22 2024-07-30 Mandatory Commodity - Video Surveillance Supply Arrangement E60HN-24VSSA
(Security surveillance and detection)
  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Manitoba
  • National Capital Region
  • Newfoundland and Labrador
  • New Brunswick
  • Northwest Territories
  • Nova Scotia
  • Ontario
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Quebec
  • Saskatchewan
  • Yukon
SA CW2369977-ACM_156278275
2029-04-22 2024-08-01 Mandatory Commodity - Video Surveillance Supply Arrangement E60HN-24VSSA
(Security surveillance and detection)
  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Manitoba
  • National Capital Region
  • Newfoundland and Labrador
  • New Brunswick
  • Northwest Territories
  • Nova Scotia
  • Ontario
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Quebec
  • Saskatchewan
  • Yukon
SA CW2370398-ACM_177826715

Result pages for Snapshot of SOSA data

Expiry date Start date Description Region of delivery Agreement type Agreement number
2025-09-30 2021-02-01 NMSO - Stream 2 Insurance Brokerage Services (Financial and Related Services). Legacy agreement: MARSH CANADA LTD/ MARSH CANADA LIMITEE (EN578-162394/005/ZL).
(Financial and Insurance Services)
  • Canada
NMSO EN578-162394_CW2251230_CW2252780-ACM_189492925
2029-06-30 2024-07-01 E6TOR-23RM03 002 Heavy Construction Equipment Rental
(Building and Construction Machinery and Accessories)
  • Ontario
SA CW2366439-ACM_153299735
2029-06-30 2024-07-01 E6TOR-23RM03 003 (PSIB 001) Heavy Construction Equipment Rental
(Building and Construction Machinery and Accessories)
  • Ontario
SA CW2366772-ACM_187401226
2025-10-02 2023-10-03 Annual Inspection and Servicing of Trailers
(Commercial and Military and Private Vehicles and their Accessories and Components)
  • Canada
DISO CW2321790-ACM_183157187
2027-03-31 2024-04-19 Preventative Maintenance and Service Contract for various Agilent Instruments
(Laboratory and Measuring and Observing and Testing Equipment)
  • Nova Scotia
  • Ontario
  • Quebec
NISO CW2329728-ACM_155509422
2025-11-20 2022-11-21 W0107-22M001 - MSVS (Medium Support Vehicle System) Services
(Transportation repair or maintenance services)
  • Ontario
RISO CW2235461-ACM_165878481
2027-03-31 2022-03-09 CAITTS (Educational and Training Services). Legacy agreement: DAXEL (E60ZH-140001/067/ZH).
(Vocational training)
  • Alberta
NMSO CW2273264-ACM_182247021
2027-03-31 2023-06-02 CAITTS (Educational and Training Services). Legacy agreement: THE GREAT CANADIAN TRAINING & CONSULTING COMPANY INC (E60ZH-140001/071/ZH).
(Vocational training)
  • Canada
NMSO CW2321189-ACM_161211522
2026-09-30 2023-12-01 W6890-230077 Pest Control Services North Bay
(Building construction and support and maintenance and repair services)
  • Ontario
RISO CW2332732-ACM_158479928
2026-11-30 2023-12-20 W0107-245308 Pest Control Services Petawawa
(Building construction and support and maintenance and repair services)
  • Ontario
RISO CW2334381-ACM_165516246

Result pages for Snapshot of SOSA data