Snapshot of SOSA data

Attention! CanadaBuys is the new official source for Government of Canada tender and award notices. This means you can now search for and bid on tender opportunities posted on CanadaBuys.

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New! The Supplier Contract History Letter has been redirected to a new location on CanadaBuys’ website.

Our snapshot of SOSA data will help you quickly find key information about our active standing offers and supply arrangements. Use keywords and filters to search for a standing offer or supply arrangement for the good or service you want to buy or sell, and when they expire. Once you have found a standing offer or supply arrangement of interest, click the agreement number to get more details, such as the supplier name and end user.

If you are new to our standing offers and supply arrangements, visit Get Started with SOSA to learn more.

SOSA is also available as an open data file

The snapshot contains the same information as the current open SOSA dataset of Public Services and Procurement Canada pre-qualified suppliers. SOSA data are available in Comma Separated Values (CSV) file format and can be downloaded to sort, filter, and search information contained in SOSA records. This data is in machine-readable format, and can be freely shared, used and built upon by citizens, the private sector and non-government organizations to leverage the data in innovative and value-added ways. Download SOSA data.

For more information

For more information, please contact the national Infoline at 1-800-811-1148. The line is staffed Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 17:00 Eastern Standard/Daylight time. You may also send your questions via our Web form found on the Contact Us page.

Search options

Expiry date Start date Descriptionsort descending Region of delivery Agreement type Agreement number
2025-04-10 2022-04-11 21520-212271 - Men's Clothing -
  • Saskatchewan
RISO CW2230153-ACM_164717620
2025-05-31 2024-06-01 21523-221037 OOHL Groceries
(Meat and poultry products)
  • Saskatchewan
RISO CW2362750-ACM_176591142
(Accommodation furniture)
  • Canada
NISO CW2242121-ACM_171912441
(Accommodation furniture)
  • Canada
NISO CW2242124-ACM_171912441
2025-01-24 2024-04-25 21C11-234792-001-HL Fiberglass Insulation
(Interior finishing materials)
  • New Brunswick
  • Nova Scotia
  • Ontario
  • Quebec
NISO CW2306601-ACM_175677382
2025-07-01 2024-07-02 21C31-233959 Tibular knit fabric and Neck Band (Collar)
(Fabrics and leather materials)
  • Quebec
RISO CW2353429-ACM_148485539
2025-03-24 2024-03-25 21C31-234013 Fabrics
(Fabrics and leather materials)
  • Canada
NISO CW2333346-ACM_142516773
2025-03-24 2024-03-25 21C31-234013 Fabrics [21C31-234013 Tissus]
(Fabrics and leather materials)
  • Canada
NISO CW233346-ACM_142516773
2025-04-30 2023-05-01 21C41-225151/001/PQ RFSO Chair Components (Wooden)
(Commercial and industrial furniture)
  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Manitoba
  • Newfoundland and Labrador
  • New Brunswick
  • Nova Scotia
  • Ontario
  • Saskatchewan
RMSO CW2247647-ACM_176227563
2025-12-12 2023-12-13 21C81-230341 Flame Resistant Polyester Fleece [21C81-230341 Molleton ininflammable polyester]
(Fabrics and leather materials)
  • British Columbia
RISO CW2305637-ACM_178460019

Result pages for Snapshot of SOSA data

Expiry date Start date Descriptionsort descending Region of delivery Agreement type Agreement number
2026-06-30 2024-03-01 Advertising Creative Services
  • Canada
SA CW2352760-ACM_184309074
2026-06-30 2024-03-01 Advertising Creative Services
  • Canada
SA CW2352760-ACM_185051214
2026-06-30 2024-03-01 Advertising Creative Services
  • Canada
SA CW2352760-ACM_185054374
2026-06-30 2024-03-01 Advertising Creative Services
  • Canada
SA CW2352760-ACM_187658177
2026-06-30 2024-03-01 Advertising Creative Services
  • Canada
DISO CW2241468-ACM_148119593
2026-06-30 2024-03-01 Advertising Creative Services
  • Canada
DISO CW2241468-ACM_153931711
2026-06-30 2024-03-01 Advertising Creative Services
  • Canada
DISO CW2241468-ACM_158043312
2026-06-30 2024-03-01 Advertising Creative Services
  • Canada
DISO CW2241468-ACM_160748978
2026-06-30 2024-03-01 Advertising Creative Services
  • Canada
DISO CW2241468-ACM_172646252
2026-06-30 2024-03-01 Advertising Creative Services
  • Canada
DISO CW2241468-ACM_172690197

Result pages for Snapshot of SOSA data