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Showing items 33781 through 33790 of 35092.

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  • GCSACC Manual itemDND Shipping Instructions- Foreign Military Sales
    Carrier selection for shipments of the material supplied on this Foreign Military Sales case is the responsibility of Canada. Instructions on how to obtain carrier selection from Canada is contained in United States Department of Defense 4000.25-8-M, ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemMarking
    The manufacturer's name and part number will, if feasible, be clearly stamped or etched on each item to permit positive identification. ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemLabelling
    Manufacturer's number and specification number, where applicable, shall be on each item either printed on the container or on an adhesive label of highest commercial standard affixed to the container. ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemLabelling
    1. BASIC PACK- Commercial Standard 2. BULK PACK: (a) Stock Number (Product Code); (b) Item Description; (c) Unit of Issue; (d) Quantity; (e) Batch Number or Contract Number; (f) Name and address of Consignee; (g) Name and address of Supplier. 3. In ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemPackaging, Marking and Preparation
    PACKAGING, MARKING AND PREPARATION FOR SHIPMENT: Packaging- Commercial Standard Labelling- Basic Pack: Commercial Standard- Bulk Pack: Stock Number (Product Code) Item Description Unit of Issue Quantity Batch Number or Contract Number Name and Address of ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemPackage Markings- Additional
    1. The Contractor shall ensure that markings on interior and exterior packages of item(s)____ include special markings. 2. List of markings required:____ 3. These markings shall be applied and positioned in accordance with Canadian Forces Packaging ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemBar Coding- Material Marking
    The Contractor shall apply bar code information on items_______ (Insert list) with the Permanent System Control Number (PSCN) or NATO Stock Number (NSN) provided elsewhere in this document or by the Department of National Defence (DND), using bar code ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemBar Coding- Package Marking
    1. The Contractor shall apply, on the package, bar code information for item(s)______, with Application Identifier(s)____, using bar code symbology UCC/EAN-128 (Uniform Code Council/EAN International). Below the bar code symbol, the Contractor shall apply ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemDelivery and Unloading
    1. Delivery trucks shall be equipped with an unloading device which will permit unloading at sites with no hydraulic, stationary or other type of unloading facility. 2. When making deliveries, sufficient personnel shall be provided to permit unloading of ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemLiquidated Damages
    In the event the Contractor fails to deliver the supplies or perform the services within the time specified in the Contract, the Contractor agrees to pay to Canada as liquidated damages the sum of $_____ for each calendar day of delay up to a maximum of___ ...

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