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Showing items 33551 through 33560 of 33894.

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  • GCSACC Manual itemStatus
    Employees of the Contractor, when performing their duties at an establishment of the Department of National Defence will be accorded_____ status. Use this clause to define the status of Contractor employees. The contracting officer shall insert "officer" ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemDesign Change
    This Contract shall be subject to "The Design Change, Design Deviation and Waiver Procedure," National Defence Standard D-02-006-008/SG-001. The DND Design Authority is delegated to approve, on behalf of Canada, changes, deviations, and waivers up to an ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemAuthor's Alterations
    1. Author's alterations of a minor nature resulting from proof submission are permitted; however, full details of these alterations and related charges must be submitted to the Contracting Authority for review before their payment may be authorized. 2. No ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemDesign Changes
    1. In the event that modifications, i.e. Design Changes or additional work are introduced, costs for this work will be negotiated under Design Change Procedure. Even if there is no change in cost, the Design Change form shall be completed to provide a ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemControlled Procurement Inventory
    Prior to the purchasing of any spares estimated to be necessary for the performance of this Contract, a list of such spares shall be submitted to the Contracting Authority. The Contracting Authority will forward the list of spares to the Technical ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGovernment-Owned Cylinders, Servicing of
    1. OPERATION 1: Hydrostatic testing including washing, drying and valving $_____ per cylinder. 2. OPERATION 2: Washing, drying and valving only $_____ per cylinder. 3. OPERATION 3: Painting and stencilling $_____ per cylinder. 4. OPERATION 4: (a) ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemComponents of the Work
    All components pertaining to the job whether purchased by or supplied by the Contractor are to be considered property of the Crown and must be forwarded prepaid, upon completion of job plus 12 samples:_____. ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemDamage to or Loss of Crown Property
    The Contractor shall reimburse Canada any cost or expenses due to the damage to or loss of Crown-owned property resulting from the Contract or the carrying out thereof, or shall, upon reasonable notice, promptly repair such damage or substitute such loss ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemOwnership of Product
    All products and materials provided to perform the work and any modifications made by the selected Contractor shall be the property of the Crown. ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemExchange Parts Plan
    The worn or damaged parts and components covered by the terms of the contractual document will be exchanged for factory rebuilt parts on the basis of one-for-one and like-for-like. In the event factory rebuilt parts are not available, new and unused parts ...

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