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Showing items 33691 through 33700 of 33878.

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  • GCSACC Manual itemMeetings
    The selected Contractor must be prepared to attend meetings at any time during the course of the proposed contract. ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemSafety Regulations and Labour Codes
    The Contractor must adhere to all safety rules, regulations and labour codes in force in all jurisdictions where the Work is to be performed. ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemPrior Rights and Obligations
    1. The Work undertaken by the Contractor from the_____ day of_____ (month and year) to the date hereof shall be considered to have been undertaken solely in support of its obligations and undertakings herein contained, and the benefits of this ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemForm of Bidding
    a) Data Sheets: In addition to the completion of the Invitation and Tender form, the Bidder shall include two (2) copies of pricing data sheets illustrating the following: Each item of work or services in the Specification List is to be priced individually ...
  • GCSACC Manual item
    Public Works and Travaux publics et Services Government Services Canada gouvernementaux Canada Deputy Minister Sous-ministre Deputy Receiver General Sous-receveur général for Canada du Canada Ottawa, Canada K1A 0S5 September 15, 1997 This Manual is ...
  • GCSACC Manual item
    DEPARTMENT OF SUPPLY AND SERVICES ACT The Minister of Supply and Services, pursuant to section 17 of the Department of Supply and Services Act, hereby makes the annexed Order setting out the general terms and conditions in respect of contracts that the ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemExtension of Charter
    The Carrier is reminded that proposals may also be submitted by telex (SSC number 053-3703) or by facsimile message (No. 819-997-9776 or 819-994-0080) in accordance with Standard Instructions and Conditions stipulated herein. Telex/Facsimile proposals must ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemSubcontracting
    Proposed Structure: All work contracted or sub-contracted for this project must be performed at the premises of a Canadian based firm, utilizing Canadian citizens and/or landed immigrants. Any work sub-contracted outside Canada will be outside the terms ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemSupplies- Cost Reimbursement
    Public Works and Government Services Canada 01 Interpretation 02 Powers of Minister 03 Assignment and Subletting 04 Discounts 05 Conduct of the Work 06 Specifications, Drawings, etc. 07 Inspection 08 Title and Acceptance 09 Warranty 10 Government Issue 11 ...
  • GCSACC Manual item
    This manual is produced by the Supply Program Management Sector Public Works and Government Services Canada. Electronic copy available via PWGSC Website: Hard copy available through your local book seller or by mail from Canadian ...

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