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Showing items 33481 through 33490 of 33878.

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  • GCSACC Manual itemDry Cleaning/Fire Proofing of Drapes
    All pricing includes removal and reinstallation of drapes. 1. Dry cleaning of lined drapes: pricing: $_____ per sq. ft. projected estimated usage:_____ sq. ft. 2. Dry cleaning of unlined drapes: pricing: $_____ per sq. ft. projected estimated usage:_____ ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemPricing Data Sheets
    In addition to the completion of the bid, the Bidder shall include one (1) copy of the pricing data sheets. Each item of work or services in the specification is to be priced individually to indicate the total cost of labour, overhead, material and profit ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemPrice Calculation for Evaluation
    1. For the purposes of the evaluation, the price will be calculated as follows: (a) Price for the known work as specified in the Requirement: $_______ (Insert bid price) (b) Unscheduled labour costs:_______ person hours, at $_______ (Insert bid rate) per ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemRecovery of Information
    The Supplier must be able to provide for recovery of information on the media supplied if the media supplied is defective. The data must be transferred to another good medium, when recovery is possible, and returned to the customer under the following ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemGaseous Pressure
    Gaseous pressure in the tank upon delivery is to be less than 3 PSI gauge. If the pressure exceeds 3 PSI gauge, the container will be vented to that pressure before weighing. ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemHovercraft- Requirement
    To disassemble, re-assemble and test Gnome Engine_____ for the Canadian Coast Guard. Firm price to be for labour only, material and subcontract charges extra. ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemData Collection
    To enable the Department of National Defence (DND) to establish data with respect to availability and location of spares required for refits to auxiliary vessels, the Contractor is to supply the DND Quality Assurance Representative (QAR) with a copy of all ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemRequired Equipment
    1. The Contractor shall have the following equipment available for the performance of the Work: DESCRIPTION QUANTITY (a)__________ (b)__________ (c)__________ The contracting officer must list the equipment agreed to in B9011T. ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemRequired Equipment
    1. The following equipment is to be available for the performance of the Work: DESCRIPTION QUANTITY (a)__________ (b)__________ (c)__________ 2. The Bidder may propose alternate equipment/quantity to that stated above, provided the alternate equipment ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemServices to be provided
    The provision of security, emergency and information services to__________ at the following locations:____________________ The Contractor must be prepared to supply a high quality service to the Consignee, which must include permanent employees (principal ...

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