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Showing items 32701 through 32710 of 33878.

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  • GCSACC Manual itemMarkings- Shelf Life Materiel
    1. The Contractor shall ensure that markings on interior and exterior packages of items____ include the following special markings: 2. List of Markings required:____ 3. These markings shall be applied and positioned in accordance with Canadian Forces ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemWelding Certification
    Welding shall be undertaken only by a Contractor approved by the Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB) to meet the requirements of Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Standard: W47.1, Certification of Companies for Fusion Welding of Steel Structures, or W47.2, ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemSubstitution/Deviation- Authorization
    Unless otherwise specifically provided for in the Contract, nobody but the Contracting Authority is authorized to modify the specifications or the conditions under which supply is to be made or services to be rendered. The following clause is to be used in ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemDesign Change or Additional Work
    In the event of Design Changes, Additional Work or New Work being introduced to the Contract, the procedure given below must be followed: Design Changes, Additional or New Work Originating from the Technical Authority 1. The Technical Authority will inform ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemInterim Spares List
    1. The Contractor shall, within_____ days of the effective date of the Contract, provide both to the Contracting Authority and to DND at the address cited below, an Interim Spares List (ISL) prepared in accordance with the current issue of Canadian Forces ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemProvisioning Parts Breakdown
    1. The Contractor shall, within_____ days of the effective date of the Contract, provide both to the Contracting Authority and to DND at the address cited below, a Provisioning Parts Breakdown (PPB) prepared in accordance with the current issue of Canadian ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemRecommended Spare Parts List
    1. The Contractor shall, within_____ days of the effective date of the Contract, provide to the Contracting Authority and to DND address cited below, a Recommended Spare Parts List (RSPL) prepared in accordance with the current issue of Canadian Forces ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemInitial Provisioning Guidance Conference
    1. Subject to paragraph 2., the Contractor shall plan and hold an Initial Provisioning Guidance Conference (IPGC) for the clarification of the requirements of the Initial Provisioning documentation called up in the Contract. The Conference, of which the ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemInitial Provisioning Conference
    1. The Contractor shall within < <1> > day of the effective date of the Contract, contact < <2> > by telephone at ()___-____ to arrange an Initial Provisioning Conference (IPC) to be held at the Contractor's facility. The cost per day for an IPC shall be ...
  • GCSACC Manual itemMaterial Change Notice
    1. Should there be any change to the information contained in the Provisioning Parts Breakdown (PPB), the Contractor shall prepare and submit Materiel Change Notices (MCNs) in accordance with the current issue of Canadian Forces Specification D-01-100-215 ...

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